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 CWX Presents Great American Bash 2017 (7/23/17)

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CWX Presents Great American Bash 2017 (7/23/17) Empty
PostSubject: CWX Presents Great American Bash 2017 (7/23/17)   CWX Presents Great American Bash 2017 (7/23/17) EmptyFri Sep 14, 2018 9:39 pm

CWX Presents Great American Bash 2017 (7/23/17) Cwx10



DARK MATCH: Dragon Lee defeats Fire Ant, AR Fox & El Mariachi Loco in a 4 Way Scramble.

1. (C)Mistico vs "Reborn" Matt Sydal - SKY Championship

Great opener with tons of high-flying action. At one point Matt dropkicks Mistico over the ropes. then does a somersault Plancha but twists his ankle on the landing. The referee is taking a look and Mistico does the honorable thing and allows this to take place. Despite sporting a bad limp Sydal wants to go on. Match continues with Champ in control most of the way. A few near falls but Sydal keeps fighting. Then Mistico goes for La Mistica but Sydal counters into an inside cradle and gets the surprise victory.

Winner & New Champion: Matt Sydal

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(Afterwards a shocked and dejected Mistico shakes Matt's hand and leaves.)

2. Marti Belle vs Hania The Howling Huntress

Total opposite from the opener these 2 girls brawl all over the Temple. Weapons are used. Hania chokes Marti with a belt from a fan. Later Belle whips Hania with the same belt. In the end a Flying Cross Body gets the win for Hania but after Belle attacks her with a chair.

Winner: Hania The Howling Huntress

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3. Lionheart vs Legends of Lucha (Mil Mascaras, TNT & Psicosis) - Number 1 Contenders Match

This marks the return of Psicosis to the Temple after sustaining an injury at the hands of the New Latino Nightmare. Great Trios action. Both teams are over with the crowd but the legends a little more so. Mil hits a Flying Body Press on Evans for a near fall. Son of Havoc has Psicosis in a Boston Crab but just before he taps its broken up by Angelico. Later Angelico hits TNT with Fall of the Angels (Running crucifix turnbuckle Powerbomb) Then follows up with the Superman Senton (Corkscrew senton bomb) and gets the pin as the rest of the combatants were fighting out on the floor.

Winners: Lionheart

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4. (C)Prince Puma vs Delirious - Aztec Championship

Delirious attacks Puma as he makes his entrance. They battle through the crowd for minutes. Delirious is biting the mask of Puma and actually tears it a bit. Puma does a Monkey flip from the seats that sends Delirious crashing down to the section below. Then he dives down on top of him. The Temple Faithful are chanting "Holy Shit!" They finally get to the ring. Puma hits a Copter Bomb for a 2 count. Delirious hits A Panic Attack, then goes for Shadows Over Hell but Puma jumps up and hits an RKO! 1.. 2.. NOOOO!!!! Puma looks for the 630 Senton but Delirious moves away at the last second. Tornado DDT by Delirious! 1.. 2.. NO! Delirious goes up again but Puma Superkicks him to the face. Then hits an Iconoclast. He goes up...630 Senton connects! 1.. 2.. 3!

Winner & Still Champion: Prince Puma

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5. Texano vs Pedro Morales w/Chicky Starr

Total war with both men getting busted open early. Fans are chanting "Sangre!" Chicky tries to get involved but gets laid out by a Texano Sitout Power Bomb. But that allows Pedro to crack him over the head with a trash can. Pedro hits him with a Backbreaker then rolls him in the ring and covers but Texano kicks out. Pedro applies the Boston Crab but Texano gets to the ropes. They continue to fight and Texano hits Morales with the Sitout Powerbomb but Pedro gets his foot on the ropes. Texano goes for a running Senton but Pedro gets his knees up. Then hits another Backbreaker and gets the 3 count.

Winner: Pedro Morales

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6. (C) New Latino Nightmare w/Carlos Colon vs Los Banditos w/Chavo Jr - World 6-Man Championship

Two teams that are not well liked in the Temple but the fans here do love a good fight and that's what they got. Los Banditios try every dirty trick in their book but the Nightmare are well schooled on cheating and manage to hold off their challengers. Banditos get a chance as Mando and Hector get Dr X alone in the ring and go for the Gory Destroyer. But Carlos Colon runs in and saves him. Chavo runs in and hits Carlos with a leg lariat sending him to the floor. He turns around into the green mist of Drago. Chavo Sr spins Drago around and he gets a face full of it as well. Neckbraker on Drago from Mando. But Dr X hits him with a running clothesline that sends them both over the ropes. Then Pentagon Jr hits the Fear Factor on Hector and gets the win.

Winners & Still Champions: New Latino Nightmare

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7. Jennifer Blake & Taya Valkyrie vs Sarah Stock & Mercedes Martinez

Wild match with all 4 women fighting out on the floor mostly. Mercedes really is putting a whipping on Taya. Blake and Stock continue their never ending war of hate as both women beat the other unmercifully. In the ring Martinez catches Taya with a Mafia Kick. She looks for the Pescado Buster but Taya escapes and nails a Superkick. Then an STO. 1.. 2.. No!

On the outside Sarah hits Blake with a Chairshot. Then starts pounding her head into the floor. Taya continues to pound on Mercedes but Martinez starts to come back. She catches Taya with an Exploder Suplex into the Turnbuckle. She then gets her up and hits a Superplex but when they land Taya hooks her legs with hers and cradles her for flash 3 count.

Winners: Jennifer Blake and Taya Valkyrie

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(After the last match Super Fly comes out and says he is here in CWX to fight. He has no opponent for the Bash and that isnt right. The fans want to see Lucha Libre and he is Lucha. He asks for anyone to come out from the back. Then from the top of the stairs appears former Aztec Champion... FENIX.)

8. Super Fly vs Fenix

This was a quick but exciting match. Fly had some big dives early in this one but in the end it was a Fenix Driver that got the victory.

Winner: Fenix

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9. Carlito w/Carlos Colon vs Jushin "Thunder" Liger

Liger is really angry now after being defeated by Carlito thanks to the interference from Sami Callhan on the last CWX TV taping. Liger is putting whipping on Carlito who now seems to be part of Catrina's minions. Liger catches Carlito with a Rolling Kappo Kick, Then hits a Flying Legdrop from the top rope! He signals for the Liger Bomb when Sami Callahan runs down to ringside. He jumps in th ering about to attack when from the crowd runs Chyna! She slides in and gives Sami a lowblow! Carlos Sr gets on the apron and eats a huge forearm from Chyna. Since no one ever touched a competitor the referee has issued no Yellow cards. Carlito however had time to recover and hits the Backstabber on Liger! 1.. 2..

NOOO!!! Liger kicks out! Carlito tries to keep him down with punches but the fans are chanting "Trueno!" which is Spanish for Thunder. Liger fires up. And hits Carlito with a massive Palm Strike. He gets him up... Liger Bomb! 1.. 2.. 3!

Winner: Jushin "Thunder" Liger

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(After the Match Catrina and Mil Muertes emerge from her office stalking Chyna but she takes off much to the delight of the crowd.)

Main Event: (C) El Rey w/Melina vs Alberto Del Rio

The Champion enters to an enormous round of boos. This once beloved man has turned the Temple against him. They give their hero Alberto a huge ovation. The cheers and the thought of vengeance seems to have spurned Alberto early on as he takes the fight to the champ. ADR actually seems quicker to the punch than the usually unmatched speed of Rey. Del Rio quickly turns his attention to the left arm of El Rey. He nails Divorce Court on him then locks in a Horozontal Hammerlock. Rey gets the rope break but ADR doesn't let go even after the 5 count. No DQs in the Temple so there is nothing the referee can do much to the angry chagrin of Melina who is berating him.

Finally Alberto releases and stomps away at the shoulder. Rey rolls to the floor and Alberto goes out after him but he walks into a Jumping Enzuguiri. Rey sends Alberto head first into a stone pillar. Then removes tape from his wrist and wraps it around the throat of Del Rio. Melina is screaming at Alberto. Telling him he is nothing compared to Rey. The referee is trying to get Rey to stop the choking but Melina screams at him so loud he runs back to the ring. Melina grabs a Chair and places it on the ground. Rey now sets up for his Double Underhook Piledriver on the Chair. But ADR backdrops him over the railing. As Rey starts to stand Alberto uses the railing to hit an Enzuguiri. Then he suplexes Rey out the crowd and down to the floor. Del Rio gets Rey back in the ring. He puts him on the top rope facing the crowd and hits an Inverted Superplex. 1.. 2.. NO! Alberto goes for a Powerbomb but Rey turns it into a Hurracanrana Cradle! 1.. 2.. NO! As Alberto gets to his knees Rey hits Alberto's move, the Low Angle Superkick! He covers... 2 count again!

Fans are chanting "Lucha!" Rey again looks for his Piledriver but Alberto counters into the Cross Armbreaker! Fans are chanting "TAP!" Rey is in extreme pain but refuses to give in he finally gets to the ropes. Alberto holds it and Rey taps now. But it doesn't count as the hold is illegal. Alberto drags him away from the ropes but Rey does a Handstand upkick to the jaw of ADR. Rey then hits a wheelbarrow Bodyscissors into a Bulldog. He again goes for the Piledriver but his left arm is too weak from the damage he took earlier and cant hold him up. Del Rio dropkicks him in the back and Rey falls into the ropes! The fans spring to their feet as Alberto winks. 619 by Del Rio! Melina is besides herself as Del Rio climbs the ropes and goes to Drop the Dime.

But he misses! Rey hits a Shining Wizard! He fires up and grabs Del Rio... Double Underhook Piledriver!!! 1.. 2.. 3!!!!

Winner & Still Champion: El Rey

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