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 Major League Wrestling RING OF VICTORY V Night 1: Queen of the Ring

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Wes-ticular Fortitude
Wes-ticular Fortitude

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Major League Wrestling RING OF VICTORY V Night 1: Queen of the Ring Empty
PostSubject: Major League Wrestling RING OF VICTORY V Night 1: Queen of the Ring   Major League Wrestling RING OF VICTORY V Night 1: Queen of the Ring EmptySat May 11, 2024 3:05 pm

Major League Wrestling RING OF VICTORY V Night 1: Queen of the Ring Logo-MLW-High-Res

Major League Wrestling RING OF VICTORY V Night 1: Queen of the Ring Flamingtext__26097939844831268

Hagen Elijah Jones
October 16, 1996 ~ March 18, 2019

Before the show begins, the entire MLW locker room, including Donald Trump comes out on the ramp for a 10 bell salute and a moment of silence .... a tribute video is shown on the big screen ....

* everyone on the show tonight are wearing black arm bands that say ‘JONES’ on them in memory of Hagen Jones .... *

The biggest MLW show of the year kicks off


The announcers hype the history of the Womens Queen of the Ring, going back to 2009 …. We get a video showcasing some of the greatest women’s wrestlers that have participated in the match ....

* 2009 - FINAL FOUR: Sara Del Rey, Lacey Von Erich (LOVE), ‘Sensational’ Sherri Martel, Mercedes Martinez .... WINNER: Sara Del Rey

* 2011 - FINAL FOUR: Madison Rayne, Wesna Busic, Lacey Von Erich (LOVE), Sara Del Rey .... WINNER: Madison Rayne

* 2013 - FINAL FOUR: Madison Rayne, Jessicka Havok, Allysin Kay, Paige .... WINNER: Madison Rayne (Rayne wins the vacant Women’s title)

* 2014 - FINAL FOUR: Paige, AJ Lee, Allysin Kay, Mickie James .... WINNER: Paige

* 2015 - FINAL FOUR: Eva Marie, Becky Lynch, Tessa Blanchard, Charlotte Flair .... WINNER: Charlotte Flair

* 2016 - FINAL FOUR: Becky Lynch, Sasha Banks, Ivelisse, Allysin Kay .... WINNER: Ivelisse

* 2017 - FINAL FOUR: Toni Storm, Shayna Baszler, Nia Jax, Sasha Banks .... WINNER: Nia Jax

* 2018 - FINAL FOUR: Alexa Bliss, Shayna Baszler, Bianca Belair, Lacey Evans .... WINNER: Lacey Evans

* 2019 - FINAL FOUR: Lacey Evans, Bianca Belair, Tegan Nox, Becky Lynch .... WINNER: Bianca BelAir

* 2020 - FINAL FOUR: Shayna Baszler, Bianca BelAir, Rhea Ripley, Tegan Nox …. WINNER: Rhea Ripley (Ripley wins Interim women’s title)

* 2021 - FINAL FOUR: Raquel Gonzalez, Becky Lynch, Bianca BelAir, Dakota Kai …. WINNER: Raquel Gonzalez (Gonzalez wins interim women’s title)

* 2022 - FINAL FOUR: Britt Baker, Sasha Banks, Bayley, Mandy Rose…. WINNER: Britt Baker (Baker wins vacant MLW women’s title)

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Roxanne Perez
Sasha Banks
Candice LeRae
Robyn Renegade
Tenille Dashwood
Tamina Snuka
Gail Kim
Raquel Gonzalez
Serena Deeb
Toni Storm
Gigi Dolin
Anna Jay
Bea Priestley
Nikki Bella
Tay Conti
Jacy Jayne
Charlette Renegade
Dakota Kai
Indi Hartwell
Mandy Rose
Brie Bella
Mia Yim
Julia Hart


Robyn Renegade; by Sasha Banks (Banks Statement)
Candice LeRae; by Naomi (Rear View)
Tenille Dashwood; by Roxanne Perez (Pop Rox)
Naomi; by Raquel Gonzalez (Chingona Bomb)
Sasha Banks; by Gigi Dolin (Toxic Shock by Toxic Attraction)
Tamina Snuka; by Bayley (Bayley to Belly)
Anna Jay; by Raquel Gonzalez (Chingona Bomb)
Raquel Gonzalez; by Bea Priestley (Fatality)
Gail Kim; by Toni Storm (Strong Zero)
Jacy Jayne; by Bayley (Bayley to Belly)
Charlette Renegade; by Tay Conti (Tay-KO)
Bea Priestley; by Roxanne Perez (Pop Rox)
Roxanne Perez; by Nikki Bella (Rack Attack)
Bayley; by Mandy Rose (Kissed by a Rose)
Brie Bella; by Julia Hart (Hart-less)
Serena Deeb; by Dakota Kai (GTK)
Gigi Dolin; by Mia Yim (package piledriver)
Nikki Bella; by Indi Hartwell (top rope elbow)
Tay Conti; by Toni Storm (Storm Driver)
Dakota Kai; by Julia Hart (moonsault)
Indi Hartwell; by Mia Yim (Kick Me Goodnight)

The Final Four are Mandy Rose, Mia Yim, Julia Hart and Toni Storm.  One of these women will be the first Shine Diamonds Champion …. None of the women really know what to think about Julia Hart, and Mandy appeals to both Toni Storm and Mia Yim to team up against Julia …. Yim and Storm just turn on Mandy and beat her up, tossing her to the floor …. Yim and Storm are the only ones left and they both shrug and start throwing hands and it’s a hockey fight ….

Julia Hart sprays Mia Yim with the black mist, leading to Rose hitting her with Kissed by a Rose for the pin


Julia Hart sets Mandy up for the moonsault, but Toni Storm cuts her off and climbs up with her …. Toni hits the Storm Driver off the 2nd rope!!!!  1 … 2 … 3!!!!


Julia is helped out as we are down to Toni Storm and Mandy Rose …. But Julia comes back and attacks both of them!!!! She lays them both out and locks Hart-less on Toni Storm and won’t let go!!!!  Mandy recovers, but she doesn’t do anything to help Toni!  The refs finally pull Julia off, but Toni is in bad shape …. Mandy moves in for the kill and covers Toni, but she kicks out at 2!!!!  Mandy goes for Every Rose has its Thorn (Angels Wings), but Toni back drops her out of it …. Toni hits the running hip attack in the corner and then a guillotine leg drop …. Here comes Gigi Dolin &amp; Jacy Jayne, but Toni fights them off …. Mandy nails her from behind and then nails Every Rose Has its Thorn!  1 … 2 … Toni kicks out!!!!  Mandy measures her for Kissed by a Rose, but Toni avoids it and hits Storm Zero out of nowhere!  Both women are down but Toni slowly crawls over and lays an arm over Mandy …. 1 … 2 … Gigi pulls Toni off!  Toni with a forearm to Gigi, but turns around into Kissed by a Rose from Mandy!  1 … 2 … 3!!!!  


Mandy Rose is the first ever Shine Diamonds champion!  Toxic Attraction is in the ring to celebrate with Mandy ….

Major League Wrestling RING OF VICTORY V Night 1: Queen of the Ring Mandyrosenxthalloween

*** IN THE BACK ***

The Usos are getting hyped for their match for the tag titles tonight …. Paul Heyman comes in

HEYMAN: “Your High Chief … Roman … Reigns, has cut off all contact, even to his wiseman, as he prepares for Tribal Combat.  But before he did he sent me a message that I was instructed to relay to you.  It’s not enough to be the cousin of the High Chief, the reigning, defending, undisputed heavyweight champion of the world.  No, after what happened at War Games, you have to earn your spot on the Island of Relevancy!  The High Chief expects you to deliver!  The only reason he has these expectations for you is because he loves you.  So tonight, the decree is this:  Either come home with the MLW tag titles or don’t come home to the island of relevancy at all!” ….

Jimmy Uso: “Yeet ….”

Jey Uso: “It’s like this, OG.  Tonight, we bringing the culture.  We bringing the passion!  The spirit of our ancestors, our family …. We bringing it all!!!!  And it’s lockdown!”

Jimmy Uso: “”Welcome to the Uso Penitentiary!  And at the end of the night, we are walking out the MLW tag team champions, Uce!”

Jey Uso: “Cuz they will always be the 2’s …. And we … the … ones!!!!”

The USOs walk out, fired up as Heyman is shown with an evil smile on his face ….

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THE ElITE (Kenny Omega &amp; The Young Bucks)
DREW GULAK &amp; THE CREED BROS. (Julius &amp; Brutus)

Gulak remains on the apron and let’s the Creeds do most of the work …. The Creeds look really strong in this match, using their amateur style to work over Matt &amp; Nick at various points …. Their offense is targeted on the knee of Nick Jackson that they hurt several weeks back …. Omega winds up getting the hot tag and running wild, which ends up with Gulak in the ring and Omega &amp; Gulak going at it …. Omega nearly KILLS Gulak with a V Trigger and sets him up for a One Winged Angel …. BUT THE LIGHTS GO OUT!!!!  When the lights come back on standing in the ring is ….

Major League Wrestling RING OF VICTORY V Night 1: Queen of the Ring 1537381-kurt-1508563205

…. KURT ANGLE!!!! ….

He grabs Omega …. Angle slam!!!!

Major League Wrestling RING OF VICTORY V Night 1: Queen of the Ring Kurt-angle-olympic-slam

Julius Creed is up and decapitates Omega with the unnecessary clothesline for the 1 … 2 … 3!!!! ….

POST MATCH: Gulak is smiling like the cat that ate the canary here …. Angle let’s a smile cross his face as he shakes hands with Gulak, confirming his affiliation with Gulak’s growing fight club …. The crowd is stunned ….

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MLW Womens Title Match:
(Champion) BRITT BAKER D.M.D

This match has been brewing for a long time …. Baker has feuded with the newly formed (VAL)Kyrie in Shine, where she recently received help from an unlikely ally in AJ Lee …

Deonna attacks the back of Baker early on but Baker comes back with an air raid crash on the floor to even things out …. They battle back and forth, but Deonna hits a NASTY looking Cosa Nostra piledriver on Baker on the ring apron!  Baker is obviously hurt, and she is tended to by trainers and medical staff …. She is unable to make it back to the ring by the count of 10 and she is counted out!  

Britt is helped to the back, but SoCal Val gets on the mic and accuses her of taking the easy way out and that is why she isn’t championship material …. Britt refuses medical help and demands the match be restarted with no count outs!!!!  

Deonna is in control again as Baker is clearly hurt but fighting through it …. Baker comes back with a slingblade and then a fisherman neckbreaker and Deonna is in trouble …. Here is Tay Conti and Anna Jay to distract the ref as SoCal Val slides a chair to Deonna but Baker grabs it instead!  She blasts Deonna with several chairshots, and the ref has no choice but to call for the bell!  

Baker leaves Purazzo laying, but as Baker leaves Deonna calls her a coward and says she got herself disqualified on purpose …. Deonna demands that the match be restarted but with no DQ!!!!  Baker accepts!

Before Baker can get back in the ring, Anna Jay &amp; Tay Conti attack her …. Baker fights them off but gets hit with a pump kick from Deonna!  Deonna goes for Venus De Milo but Baker rolls out and hits the curb stomp out of nowhere!  She covers for the 1 … 2 … 3 before Anna Jay can make the save!  Baker hands Deonna her first pinfall loss in MLW in almost 2 years! ….

Major League Wrestling RING OF VICTORY V Night 1: Queen of the Ring Bakerchamp

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MLW Openweight title match:
CARMELO HAYES w/ Trick Williams

Carmelo attacks at the bell, but Ospreay turns the tables and hits the Pip Pip Cherio (phenomenal forearm) …. Carmelo avoids the Os-cutter and they trade forearm shots, but Carmelo hits the rebound lariat …. Hayes works over the leg of Ospreay, but Ospreay fires up only to run into the First 48 (lung blower) from Hayes for a 2 count …. Ospreay avoids the fadeaway (falling leg drop to opponent hung up in the ropes) and hits a Helluva Kick in the corner …. Ospreay gets the Chelsea Grin (hangman neckbreaker into a discus forearm to the back of the head), but Trick reaches in and puts Melo’s foot on the ropes!  This leads to Ospreay and Trick arguing, which gives Melo time to recover and he school boys Ospreay into a roundhouse kick!  As Trick removes the turnbuckle pad, Melo hits a Brainbuster for a 2 count!  Melo goes up top for Nothing But Net, but Ospreay meets him there and hits a top rope huricanrana!  He goes for Hidden Blade, but Melo dodges!  Tilt-a-whirl bulldog and Melo locks on a crossface!  Ospreay fights to the ropes to avoid tapping but he’s been in the hold for a long time!  They trade more forearms in the middle, but Ospreay avoids First 48 and slingshots Hayes into the unprotected buckle in the corner!  OS-CUTTER!  1 … 2 … Noooooo!  Hayes kicks out, but Ospreay immediately hits the Hidden Blade!  He picks Melo up and nails Stormbreaker for the 1 … 2 … 3!  Hayes looks like a real threat here, but Ospreay’s amazing run continues ….</p></center>


We see a vignette of Swerve Strickland in a recording studio …. Swerve wraps the recording of his newest single and turns to talk to the camera …. Swerve picks up a piece of paper and says Donald Trump just inked him to a fat contract and every penny is going to be well spent …. That’s right, Swerve is coming to MLW …. You see, Swerve is just built different …. And now that he’s been signed, there is only one question …. “Whose House?  ‘Swerves House!” ….

Major League Wrestling RING OF VICTORY V Night 1: Queen of the Ring Swerve-strickland

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Samoan Strap Match for the MLW tag team titles:
(Champions) GUERRILLAS OF DESTINY (Tama Tonga &amp; Tonga Loa)
THE USOS (Jimmy &amp; Jey)

Jey and Tama are connected, as are Jimmy &amp; Loa …. The bell rings and Jey is the first one to use the strap, whipping Tama across the chest …. We have to go split screen, where we see Jimmy throw a chair at Loa on the floor …. Jimmy &amp; Loa fight into the crowd while strapped together!  Jimmy is bleeding from the eye after getting tossed into barricade …. Jimmy grabs a beer and tosses it into the face of Loa …. Jey has a chair and smashes Tama as all four men end up back in the ring … Tama with a German suplex on Jey, while Loa chokes Jimmy with the strap …. Loa wraps the strap around his hand and punches Jimmy in his cut, causing him to bleed more …. Tama grabs a chair and wedges it into the corner, but Jey turns the tables and sends Tama head-first unit it …. Tama is busted open now …. Jey to the top rope but Loa grabs the strap and yanks him down off the top …. Both Guerrillas take turns whipping Jey with the strap now!  Jey has huge red marks all over his back!

The Guerrillas pick Jey up and hit the Doomsday Device!  Jey kicks out at 2!  Tama attempts to hang Jey over the ropes like at War Games, but Jimmy makes the save by whipping Loa into the chain, clotheslining him …. Jimmy &amp; Loa go outside, and Jimmy starts gathering chairs from under the ring and tossing them inside!  Loa yanks Jimmy off the apron using the strap and Jimmy crashes hard into the announce table, and the Loa pulls the protective mat off the floor exposing the concrete …. He tries to suplex Jimmy but it gets reversed and Loa is suplexed on the concrete instead, slapping it with a sickening THUD …. In the ring, Jey hits Tama with a superkick, then another, but Tama pulls the ref in the way and he eats a superkick!  Jimmy tosses a bunch of chairs in the ring and the USOs make a big pile of chairs in the middle of the ring …. They set Tama up for 1-D but Loa breaks it up and the Guerrillas hit Guerrilla Warfare on Jimmy!!!!  There is no ref to make the count, and he slowly starts to recover and counts the 1 … 2 … Jey whips Tama across the back to break it up!!!!  Tama and Jey fire up in the middle of the ring and are whipping the shit out of each other with the strap!  Enziguri out of nowhere by Jey!  Jey goes up top, but Loa cuts him off!  SUPER-PLEX ONTO THE STACK OF CHAIRS!!!!!  Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit!!!!  Loa sets Jey up for Ape Shit, but Jimmy uses the strap to crotch Loa!  Superkick!  Gun Stun to Jimmy!  Superkick by Jey to Tama!  Jey lays a chair on Tama’s chest and goes up top …. USO SPASH ONTO THE CHAIR!!!!  1 … 2 … Noooooo!  Jimmy is up and the USOs hit the 1-D on Tama into the chairs!  Jey locks in a crossface on Tama, wrapping the strap around his throat and choking him at the same time!  Loa tries to make the save for his brother, but Jimmy prevents him from breaking it up!  Tama is forced to tap out!!!! ….

The USOs have won the MLW tag team titles!  The bloody twins hold up the tag belts in celebration, as we see Paul Heyman at the top of the ramp smiling and clapping for them ….

Major League Wrestling RING OF VICTORY V Night 1: Queen of the Ring Wwe-the-usos

This ends the live portion of the show, as TRIBAL COMBAT prepares to be broadcast for the audience on the Jumbotron ….
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