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 Major League Wrestling #62 - ‘Ring of Victory IV’

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Wes-ticular Fortitude
Wes-ticular Fortitude

Posts : 1154
Join date : 2018-09-28
Age : 48

Major League Wrestling #62 - ‘Ring of Victory IV’ Empty
PostSubject: Major League Wrestling #62 - ‘Ring of Victory IV’   Major League Wrestling #62 - ‘Ring of Victory IV’ EmptyThu May 09, 2024 9:46 pm

Major League Wrestling #62 - ‘Ring of Victory IV’ Ddoi68e-fb70b8c3-7ed6-4f3b-86a5-992e9483cd92.png?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOiIsImlzcyI6InVybjphcHA6Iiwib2JqIjpbW3sicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvODhlMzA4MjQtM2M5YS00OTU3LWI2YWItMzk0Y2I3ODNhYTIwXC9kZG9pNjhlLWZiNzBiOGMzLTdlZDYtNGYzYi04NmE1LTk5MmU5NDgzY2Q5Mi5wbmcifV1dLCJhdWQiOlsidXJuOnNlcnZpY2U6ZmlsZS5kb3dubG9hZCJdfQ

Major League Wrestling #62 - ‘Ring of Victory IV’ Flamingtext__26097939844831268

Hagen Elijah Jones
October 16, 1996 ~ March 18, 2019

Before the show begins, the entire MLW locker room, including Donald Trump comes out on the ramp for a 10 bell salute and a moment of silence .... a tribute video is shown on the big screen ....

* everyone on the show tonight are wearing black arm bands that say ‘JONES’ on them in memory of Hagen Jones .... *

The biggest MLW show of the year kicks off with MLW’s newest signing, KURT ANGLE coming out to the ring …. Angle gets an enormous reaction from the crowd ….

Major League Wrestling #62 - ‘Ring of Victory IV’ PZGQ0cu

Angle cuts a promo about how he has been wrestling in Australia for years and main evented UWF pay per views and fought for world titles …. UWF world titles have eluded him and he is going to change that because he came to MLW to revitalize his career …. He became stagnant so he was the one that had to go out and challenge other people until there was no one left to beat …. In MLW he has an entire roster of people that he can work with and beat and he is looking forward to proving what he has claimed to be all along, and that is the best wrestler in the world …. And that’s real, it’s DAMN real!


We get a hype video showcasing the history of the Queen of the Ring match …. History will be made tonight, as for the 2nd time the Queen of the Ring winner will also be crowned women’s champion (in 2020 & 2021 the match crowned ‘Interim’ champions) ....

* 2009 - FINAL FOUR: Sara Del Rey, LOVE, ‘Sensational’ Sherri Martel, Mercedes Martinez .... WINNER: Sara Del Rey

* 2011 - FINAL FOUR: Madison Rayne, Wesna Busic, LOVE, Sara Del Rey .... WINNER: Madison Rayne

* 2013 - FINAL FOUR: Madison Rayne, Jessicka Havok, Allysin Kay & Paige .... WINNER: Madison Rayne (Rayne wins the vacant Women’s title)

* 2014 - FINAL FOUR: Paige, AJ Lee, Allysin Kay, Mickie James .... WINNER: Paige

* 2015 - FINAL FOUR: Eva Marie, Becky Lynch, Tessa Blanchard, Charlotte Flair .... WINNER: Charlotte Flair

* 2016 - FINAL FOUR: Becky Lynch, Sasha Banks, Ivelisse, Allysin Kay .... WINNER: Ivelisse

* 2017 - FINAL FOUR: Toni Storm, Shayna Baszler, Nia Jax, Sasha Banks .... WINNER: Nia Jax

* 2018 - FINAL FOUR: Alexa Bliss, Shayna Baszler, Bianca Belair, Lacey Evans .... WINNER: Lacey Evans

* 2019 - FINAL FOUR: Lacey Evans, Bianca Belair, Tegan Nox, Becky Lynch .... WINNER: Bianca BelAir

* 2020 - FINAL FOUR: Shayna Baszler, Bianca BelAir, Rhea Ripley, Tegan Nox …. WINNER: Rhea Ripley (Ripley wins Interim women’s title)

* 2021 - FINAL FOUR: Raquel Gonzalez, Becky Lynch, Bianca BelAir, Dakota Kai …. WINNER: Raquel Gonzalez (Gonzalez wins interim women’s title)

Up first is the tag team triple threat match, but first we are greeted by the music of the MLW tag team champions THE ACCLAIMED!  “Yoooo!  YOOOO!  Listen …. LISTEN!” …. Caster cuts a rap on all 3 teams in the match and roasts them … The Acclaimed hang out at ringside to watch the next match ….

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<center><p style="border:3px;border-style:solid;border-color:#FF0000;padding:1em;">
THE USOS (Jimmy &amp; Jey)
- vs -
THE BRISCOES (Mark &amp; Jay)
- vs -
YOUNG BUCKS (Matt &amp; Nick Jackson)

Lots of fast-paced action …. With The Acclaimed at ringside you know they are going to factor into the decision at some point, and they do as they end up getting into it with the USOs …. The Acclaimed and the USOs end up brawling, and in the melee Nick Jackson snatches one of the MLW tag title belts and uses it to KO Jay Briscoe …. Mark comes in and nails Nick with Redneck Kung Fu but runs into a double superkick from the Bucks!  The Bucks then hit More Bang for your Buck on Mark and get the pin before one of the USOs can make it back into the ring to break it up ….</p></center>

<center><p style="border:3px;border-style:solid;border-color:#FF0000;padding:1em;">
MLW Openweight Title Match:
- vs -

A lot of animosity has built up between these guys in a short amount of time …. Grimes comes out super aggressive while Ospreay is a cocky little shit, almost acting like he’s not trying …. Ospreay is the best and he knows he’s the best …. Grimes changes all that by taking the fight right to Ospreay …. Ospreay is in control but Grimes counters the Essex Destroyer with Gods Last Gift (small package driver) out of nowhere! 1 … 2 … Ospreay kicks out!  Grimes is stunned …. Ospreay hits a barrage of kicks out of nowhere, ending with the Hidden Blade for a 2.99999!  Ospreay goes to finish him with the Os-cutter, BUT GRIMES CATCHES HIM AND DROPS HIM ON HIS HEAD WITH A GERMAN!  Cave In connects and that’s enough to put Ospreay away for 3!  Grimes retains.</p></center>

POST MATCH: Crowd is chanting ‘THAT WAS AWESOME!’  Grimes helps Ospreay up and offers him a handshake, but just as Ospreay is about to shake his hand he pulls back and gives Grimes the double middle finger!

Major League Wrestling #62 - ‘Ring of Victory IV’ Will-ospreay-1


Heyman and Reigns talk about one year ago, how he made his MLW debut as the guest of Donald Trump, paving the way for the arrival of Roman Reigns and the Foundation in MLW ….

The USOs come in and Reigns says he is disappointed in them …. Maybe Solo Sikoa will redeem their bloodline and win the Opera Cup tonight …. He instructs the USOs NOT to get involved in Solos match tonight ….

<center><p style="border:3px;border-style:solid;border-color:#FF0000;padding:1em;">
- vs -

It is pimped out that 1 year ago Rex Steiner won the Survival of the Fittest tournament, and now he is competing for the Opera Cup …. Meanwhile, Solo has challenged the authority of the Tribal Chief and found himself ostracized from the rest of the Bloodline, even his own brothers ….

During the match, the USOs come out like they are going to help Solo, but they stop at the top of the stage to watch …. These two slug it out in kind of a hoss battle, but they also show great agility as Steiner catches Solo off the ropes with a jumping FRANKENSTEINER for a 2!  Rex locks on the Steiner Recliner, but Solo doesn’t tap and he fights to get to the ropes for the break …. Both men are exhausted …. Steiner goes for the gorilla press powerslam, but Solo battles out of it!  Steiner eats a superkick and Solo falls on top, but Steiner kicks out at 2!  Solo hits the spinning Urinage but instead of covering goes to the top rope …. but as he leaps off Steiner cuts him him half with a spear!!!!  Down come the straps, and Steiner to the 2nd rope for the Bulldog but the USOs start down the ramp toward the ring!  They just take a few steps toward the ring but that’s enough to get Steiners attention …. He jumps off for the Bulldog but Solo turns and catches him out of midair with the spinning urinage!  Solo picks him up, then hits the Rikishi Driver (fire thunder driver) and pins Steiner 1 … 2 … 3!!!!  Solo Sikoa has won the 2022 Opera Cup  ….

POST MATCH: The USOs nod to their brother in respect from the top of the ramp …. Solo celebrates with the cup, BUT MIRO’S MUSIC HITS!!!!  Out comes the MLW champion for a staredown with Sikoa!  

Major League Wrestling #62 - ‘Ring of Victory IV’ Intro-import

The staredown is intense, but finally Miro continues to the ring for our MLW title match ….

<center><p style="border:3px;border-style:solid;border-color:#FF0000;padding:1em;">
(Champion) MIRO
- vs -

This is a big hoss battle that has been some time in the making …. This time Miro finds himself in the role of champion and Joe is chasing HIS title …. Joe jumpstarts the match with an elbow suicida through the ropes to the floor before Miro can even take the title off!   Miro turns the tables while they brawl on the floor by putting Joe though the timekeepers table with a urinage slam …. Joe battles back with the scoop powerslam for a 2 …. Miro fights off the Muscle Buster and hits a spinning wheel kick …. Joe counters the 7th Seal and goes for the coquina clutch but Miro escapes only to run into the ST-Joe!  Joe tries to lock on the choke again, but Miro grabs the ref to get him out of position and hits a mule kick low blow out of desperation!  This breaks the hold and he nearly takes off Joes head with a Matchka kick!  Miro screams out “GAME OVAAAAH!” and stomps on Joe’s spine as a prelude to the 7th Seal (accolade)!  Miro locks it on!  He can’t lock it all the way in and Joe starts fighting his way to the ropes, but Miro pulls him back into the center of the ring and falls back in the move with the body scissors locked in!  Joe tries to hold on, but he is fading!  Joe stops responding and the ref calls a stop to the match!  Miro retains ….</p></center>

<center><p style="border:3px;border-style:solid;border-color:#FF0000;padding:1em;">


1. Sasha Banks
2. Tegan Nox
3. Candice LeRae
4. Mandy Rose
5. Alexa Nicole
6. Bayley
7. Jacy Jayne
8. Britt Baker
9. Mariah May
10. Chelsea Green
11. Gigi Dolin
12. Jade Cargill
13. Nikkita Lyons
14. Carmella
15. Penelope Ford
16. Bea Priestley
17. Ivy Nile
18. Leyla Hirsch
19. Thea Hail
20. Cora Jade


1. Alexia Nicole; by Sasha Banks  (Banks Statement)
2. Jacey Jayne; by Bayley (Bayley to Belly)
3. Mariah May; by Candice LeRae
4. Carmella; by Chelsea Green
5. Bea Priestley; by Britt Baker
6. Penelope Ford; by Jade Cargill
7. Tegan Nox; by Sasha Banks
8. Chelsea Green; by Jade Cargill
9. Thea Hail; by Britt Baker
10. Leyla Hirsch; by Jade Cargill
11. Cora Jade; by Mandy Rose
12. Ivy Nile; by Jade Cargill
13. Nikkita Lyons; by Mandy Rose
14. Gigi Dolin; by Bayley (Rose Plant)
15. Candice LeRae; by Britt Baker (lockjaw)
16. Jade Cargill; by Mandy (everyone hits their finisher on Cargill, ending with Bayley hitting the top rope elbow smash …. However, Mandy comes in and hits Kissed by a Rose on Bayley as she makes the cover and then pins Cargill to eliminate her)

It comes down to Banks, Bayley, Britt and Mandy …. Bayley and Banks lock eyes, and Banks moves over next to Bayley to face off with Mandy and Britt …. Likewise Mandy and Britt nod to each other and form a temporary alliance …. They all start talking shit as they walk to the middle of the ring and it’s a hockey fight between all 4 ladies!!!!  Bayley and Banks get the advantage and the action spills outside …. Rose and Banks fight into the crowd while Bayley and Britt fight it out in the ring …. In the crowd, Banks ties Mandy up in the handrail and locks her in the Banks Statement!  Mandy is tapping but the ref is trying to get them back to the ring!  </p></center>

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<center><p style="border:3px;border-style:solid;border-color:#FF0000;padding:1em;">Bayley and Britt Baker battle in the ring, and Baker sits Bayley on the top rope for a super-plex but Banks is back in and power bombs Baker as she hits the move!  Tower of Doom!!!!  Banks looks at Bayley and shrugs, then tries to pin her but Bayley kicks out …. Bayley pulls herself up using the ropes and looks at Banks like she’s been betrayed, but Banks shrugs and makes the belt motion around her waist …. Bayley and Banks get in each others face and now they start trading right hands!!!!  Baker is back up, and Bayley and Banks turn their attention to her and take her out then go back to fighting each other ….

Bayley and Banks fight up top with Banks in control, but Bayley fights out of it into a top rope poison rana!!!!  Bayley tightens the ponytail …. BAYLEY TO BELLY ON BANKS!!!!  But as soon as Bayley hits the move Britt Baker comes flying in out of nowhere and hits her with the curb stomp!  1 … 2 … 3!  


Britt pulls out the glove and tries to put Banks in the lockjaw but Banks battles out of it into the Banks Statement!  But here is Mandy Rose back in to break it up …. Rose goes for Kissed by a Rose on Banks but she dodges Rose takes out Baker instead!  Backstabber into the Banks Statement on Rose!!!!  Rose taps!!!!   ….


We are down to Sasha Banks and Britt Baker!  Banks pummels Baker with forearms and tosses her to the floor before wiping her out with a suicide dive …. But Mandy Rose comes in and grabs Banks from behind and throws her into the ring steps!  Referees are trying to force Mandy to leave the ringside area, but the damage has been done …. Baker goes for Lockjaw in the ring but Banks blocks and battles back with a bunch of strikes …. Banks scores with the Meteora for a 2!  Baker reverses a tornado DDT attempt into a fisherman’s neckbreaker for two, but Banks grabs the Banks Statement out of nowhere and Britt has to escape to the ropes …. Baker avoids the running meteora in the corner and hits a superkick, followed by an Air Raid Crash!!!!  1 … 2 … 2.999999!  Banks survives!!!!  Britt goes right into the Lockjaw, and Sasha fights desperately to escape to the ropes!  She gets close, but Baker kicks off the ropes and rolls them back to the middle of the ring!!!!  Banks is trapped!  She starts to fade, but doesn’t tap!  The ref calls a stop to the match, and we have a new champion!!!!


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What a night we have had, capped off by crowning a NEW MLW Womens champion!  Mauro and Pat are going through the process of thanking the fans watching at home and how this show is very special to MLW when there is a stir in the crowd.  We can see on screen that it catches the eyes of the other fans and they all turn their attention to the disturbance …. But this is no ordinary disturbance as the cameras pan and see what is really going on as the UWF world champion, the 8th Wonder of the World, ANDRE THE GIANT is being led out by his manager Bobby Heenan …. The entire crowd parts like the Red Sea as people are scrambling to get out of the way while others stand in awe of the champions size …. Why are they entering through the audience?  They reach the front row, but security stops them …. Andre stares menacingly at the security staff and one by one they step aside …. Andre steps over the railing, then over the top rope into the ring ….

Heenan takes the mic and says no one calls out the 8th Wonder of the World, and tells Roman Reigns that when he speaks the name of the world champion he should do so with reverence and respect …. Reigns claims that Andre fears him but Andre fears NO ONE …. They are there to prove it, but where is Reigns???  

“Ladies and Gentlemen …. My name … is … (crowd chants along) PAUL … HEYMAN!  And I am the advocate, the special council to YOUR Tribal Chief …. The Giant slayer … ROMAN REIGNS!!!!”

Heyman cuts them off and introduces Reigns as his music hits, stealing the thunder from Andre …. Reigns comes out with a smirk on his face …. He comes down to the ring and has no fear stepping to the Giant ….

Reigns: “I told you, I told all these people.  I’m a man of my word.  I said you would acknowledge me, so ACKNOWLEDGE ME!”

Andre just stands there stoic, but Heenan starts to say something but Reigns backs him off …. Andre steps to Reigns and they are nose to nose ….

REIGNS: “Oh I see.  You think this is a game?  You’re on MY island!  You see that cameraman?  That’s MY camera man!  You see these people, these are my people because they acknowledge ME!  Those announcers over there?  Those are MY announcers because they talk about ME!  You think because your 7ft tall, 300 lb that me, the Head of the Table, is going to be intimidated by you?  Look at me!  I’m the one guy … THE ONE GUY … in the UWF that doesn’t sweat you.  And I’m tired of being humble.  I’m head and shoulders above everyone else, including you!  So I’m going to say it one more time …. ACKNOW ….”

Andre has had enough and he slaps away Reigns’ microphone out of his hand!  The situation is tense, but Andre doesn’t even take the UWF world title off his shoulder, pretty much challenging Reigns to do something …. Reigns fires off with a right, but Andre fires back with a headbutt that floors Reigns …. Andre turns and non-chalantly hands the UWF world title to Heenan, and waits for Reigns to get up …. GOOZLE!  Here come the USOs and they jump on Andre to break it up and it’s a pack mentality …. The USOs club away at Andre, and they hit a double superkick …. Both USOs off the ropes but Andre wipes them out with a dual clothesline!  Here comes Reigns back with a clothesline to Andre, but it doesn’t take him off his feet!  Reigns hits another, but when he goes for a 3rd Andre cuts him off with a big boot!  Andre sets for the curb stomp as Heenan is screaming “FINISH HIM!”, but Solo Sikoa is here!  LOW BLOW BY SIKOA FROM BEHIND ON ANDRE!!!!  He turns around … RIGHT INTO A SPEAR FROM REIGNS!!!!  Andre is down!  

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Reigns gets up and he and Solo lock eyes …. Reigns smiles …. He nods approval at his cousin before turning to Heenan …. Reigns starts walking toward Heenan and backs him into the corner, and now the rest of the Foundation is up too and they close in on him …. Heenan is desperately clutching the UWF world title to his chest but Reigns holds out his hand and demands Heenan hand it to him!  Heenan won’t, so Reigns jerks it out of his hand!  Reigns stands over Andre, holding up the UWF world title …. Reigns leans down, dropping the title on Andres chest and says ‘ACKNOWLEDGE ME!’

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Reigns and the USOs stand tall in the ring while Solo Sikoa watches on at the top of the ramp ….
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