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 Windy City Pro Wrestling #14 The Commodity

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Johnny Rose

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Windy City Pro Wrestling #14 The Commodity    Empty
PostSubject: Windy City Pro Wrestling #14 The Commodity    Windy City Pro Wrestling #14 The Commodity    EmptyFri Jul 09, 2021 5:17 am

Windy City Pro Wrestling # 14 : The Commodity

Date : July 9, 2021

Time : Late start time 11pm replay set for Saturday .

TV : Showtime

Place : Windy City Pro Wrestling Arena

Attendance: 350

Sweet Home Chicago plays as Joe Pedicino takes center ring.

Joe : Hello Chicago!

Fans : Hi Joe !!!!

Joe : We are back home . The Star Spangled Bash was a huge success , but now we move on . Here is your host , the Dean of Pro Wrestling. Gordon Solie !!!

Fans : Solie, Solie, Solie!!!!

Gordon : Well hello there . In just a few moments , we will be hearing from former IWA World Heavyweight Champion Hulk Hogan . But Joe, we got an action packed two hours here , tonight . Even with this late start .

Joe : Yes , Gordon . The late start was because IWA support one another . Something you don’t see in other so called feds . WCW Summer Sizzler is just finishing up and we wanted to give it plenty of time in its National spotlight .

But yes . As you just said , Hulk Hogan will be coming out in just a moment . We will also hear from the new Windy City Pro Wrestling Heavyweight Champion Dusty Rhodes .

Rick Rude will be taking on Barry Windham

Sensationally Fabulous the American Tag Team Champions will be taking on Medusa and Reyna Reyes

From there Jushin Thunder Liger will be in action .

Then we have The Great Kabuki going for the American Television Title against the champion Kerry Von Erich.

And our main event . The Bunkhouse Brawl.

Gordon : Right now let’s bring him out . Ladies and gentlemen , the former IWA World Heavyweight Champion Hulk Hogan.

Eye of the Tiger plays as Hogan makes his way to the podium . Still the showman he tears off his shirt , points to the crowd and flexes .

Gordon: Well sir , it’s been a tough week for you .

Hogan : Dean Solie, let me tell you something. I gotta hand it to Ric Flair, he faced me straight up and no tricks , no sneakiness and beat me . Made me pass out and got a pinfall on me .

For over a year , brother , nobody has been able to do that when I’m defending the World Heavyweight Title. So Ric Flair hats off to you , brother .

Gordon : You have been the most hunted man , I have ever seen ? Since winning that title . You had challengers around every corner and week after week , you took them all on .

You were attacked several times you showed up to work hurt . You were a great a champion . And I want to say thank you .

Hogan : Dean Solie, don’t think this is the end of the line dude . I have some business to take care of . Brian Cage, that no good back stabber . As much credit as I give Ric Flair , you were a coward . You attacked me from behind . And called me out for losing . Brian Cage, one day , you will have to deal with me again , brother , but I’ll be looking you in the face , dude .

CM Punk , you put me through hell and back , brother . You and I sold out arenas all over the IWA and despite everything , we gained a level of respect , brother !! So I want to thank you and I hope one day , we can do it again .

Stan Hansen , I hate your guts , brother , but you brought out the best in me . And I’ll put you through a table if I ever get the chance , dude . But thank you .

As far as Ric Flair is concerned, Dean Solie, this whole show is packing up and going south on July 23rd down in Texas . And I got a rematch . So Ric Flair , we are gonna do it again , brother and the better man will walk out as IWA World Heavyweight Champion . Hoof !!! ( Flexes )

Thank you Hulk , let’s go to the ring .

Rick Rude vs Barry Windham : Rude and Dawn come out to Smooth Operator. Rude takes the mic .

Rude : Cut the music !!! What I would like to have right now is for all of you fat , out of shape Chicago bozos to keep the noise down , while Dawn takes off my robe and shows you what a real man is supposed to look like . Hit my music .

During the sacred robe removal, Barry comes down to no music . He gets in the ring and Dawn jumps in front of Rude . Barry grabs her by the hair and then kisses her .

Rude tries to cheapshot Barry , but the big nasty Texan clotheslines Rude and then puts him on the top rope , Superplex !!!!! He covers , but Dawn distracts the ref . Rude knees Barry in the back . From there he puts on the Spartan Shoulder Lock . Barry taps out .

After the match Steamboat is in the ring . He checks on Barry . He helps him up !!! Spinning back kick to the side of Barry’s head !!! Steamboat takes his leave .

Gordon : I’m not sure what that was about . Before we get to the new Windy City Pro Wrestling Heavyweight Champion Dusty Rhodes, Kerry Von Erich has requested air time . So Mr . Von Erich , the floor is yours .

Kerry : Did you notice 3 champions fell at Star Spangled Bash. Two were members of Evolution and one was the overrated Hulk Hogan. People talked about HHH like he was some kind of great leader , a great champion , but where he is now ?

Now take a look at the Orton and Batista. Come on , we all knew Race and Bockwinkle were the better team . Well as of today , I’m claiming Evolution dead and buried . Gordon , do you see this belt ? The American Television Title? Week after week on every show I defend this title .

I defended it at Anniversary 1 . I defended it at the Star Spangled Bash. Ive defended it in Kentucky . That makes me the greatest champion in the IWA . I have not even come close to losing since I won this belt . You can talk all you want about Hulk Hogan, HHH , Dusty Rhodes, but I am Windy City Pro Wrestling. Hell , I’m the entire International Wrestling Alliance .

I am the top commodity in wrestling today and tonight , I’ll show all you all again , why . I am a winner . HHH , Orton , Batista are all losers . I don’t surround myself with losers . I am the Commodity.

Gordon : Thank you Kerry Von Erich . Right now the American Tag Team Titles are on the line . Let’s go to the ring .

American Tag Team Titles Sensationally Fabulous vs Medusa and Reyna Reyes : Good back and forth action for 17 minutes . The end comes when Sherri hits the Sensation Stunner ( Stone Cold Stunner ) on Reyna . She makes the tag to Heather who puts her away with a Fabulous Leg Lock ( Figure Four) .

Gordon : An impressive win . Right now I want to bring in the new Windy City Pro Wrestling Heavyweight Champion Dusty Rhodes . A hard fought match , but here you are sir .

Dusty : Gordon Solie, looky here , baby . The big belt , daddy . Oh , ain’t she pretty. Almost as Pretty as the American Dream himself . Now today we celebrate , but next week , we go to Hammond at the Civic Center and the Dream defends his title for the first time .

And who do we got . The Legend Killer himself , Randy Orton . The man , who put the Dream down years ago as he was making a run at the World Television Championship . But you see Randy , the Dream is stronger than before . He’s smarter and the hunger is like no other. So Randy Orton, we will see you at the Civic Center next week , if you weeeeelllllll .

Gordon: Thank you Dusty . Right now let’s go to the ring . Jushin Thunder Liger in action .

Jushin Thunder Liger vs Joey Mathews : Liger hits the Shotay and then ends it with an off the top rope Liger Bomb .

After the match Sabu , Sheik and Bundy attack . Andre comes out led by Josef Samael.

Solie : What are these men doing here ???

Andre picks up Liger and points to a table . He’s about to Powerbomb him , when Hogan , The Dynamic Duo and Bob Backlund give chase .

Gordon : We have to get order restored . Here is Joe Pedicino about the card in Hammond next week .

Joe : Thank you Gordon , we are rolling out a great card , next Saturday Night at the Hammond Civic Center in Hammond , Indiana .

The Dynamic Duo in action against Spike Huber and Stormy Granzig .

Thunder Rosa taking on Victoria

Newcomer Shinske Nakumura will be taking on Bob Backlund

Windy City Pro Wrestling Tag Team Titles are on the line . The new champions Nick Bockwinkle and Harley Race taking on Rey Mysterio Jr and Mil Mascaras

The Incredible Hulk Hogan taking on Hollywood Dave Batista

Windy City Pro Wrestling Women’s champion Carmella will be defending her title against Jessie Jones

And your main event …. The Windy City Pro Wrestling Heavyweight Title Dusty Rhodes the new champion going up against Randy Orton

Gordon : And in speaking of Shinske Nakumura he makes his debut now .

Gary Hart comes down to ringside with a contract . Nakamura tears it up . Ultimo Dragon tries to attack him , but Nakamura puts him in a Triangle . Matt Borne stomps on Shinske’ s face . Then hits a belly to belly . The ref calls for the bell . Borne goes up for Bombs Away , but Shinske gets a foot up . From there he hits Bomaye !!! 1…..2….3 !!!

Gordon : Gary Hart has had a rough go as of late . It’s time for our American Television Title match . Kerry Von Erich defending against The Great Kabuki.

Kabuki , hits a couple of nice Suplexes , then has Kerry reeling with a series of chops and kicks . A standing dropkick forces Kerry over the top rope and down to the floor . Kerry grabs Kabuki by the leg and slams the back part of the knee on the ring apron . He works over the knee and ends the match with a step over toe hold . Kerry takes the mic .

Kerry : Just another victim at the hands of the Commodity . The American Television Champion!!!

Gordon : I found it interesting, when Kerry changed his ways months ago , but now this new found attitude is even more intriguing. It’s time for the Bunkhouse Brawl. Let’s go to the ring .

Tazz and Steve Corino start things off . Corino brings in a chain and starts choking Tazz with it , but the 9th Dan in Judo comes into play . Tazz reverses his weight tosses Corino over his shoulder and now rains down punches on Corino with the chain . Corino is busted open .


Batista hits the ring. Clotheslines Tazz in the back of the head . Corino gets to his feet , Superkick to Batista .


Andre enters the ring . But out of nowhere Hogan comes in . He fires right hands on Andre and then clotheslines him over the top rope.

Gordon : WOW ! That was quick . Andre The Giant is gone already . Hulk Hogan has joined me at the podium .

Hogan : Dean Solie, there is no way , we arent gonna let those guys set up shop here , brother !!!!!

We return to the action to see Tazz Suplex Batista over the top rope .

Gordon : And that’s all she wrote for Dave Batista.


Arn comes in . He and Tazz mix it up . Corino lays in the corner bleeding , just watching . Tazz uses a front leg trip to take Arn down in the mat , but Arn from the bottom not worried about being pinned at this point in the contest because pins don’t happen until the last two are left , locks up Tazz’s arm .

3…….2…..1 !!!!

Meng comes in . He grabs up Corino for a Samoan Drop , but Corino rakes the eyes and hits a German Suplex on Meng !!!


Dustin Rhodes comes in . He hits a big boot on Corino and then a clothes line finally eliminates the pesky , tough Corino as he flies out over the top rope . Meng now has the Tongan Death Grip on Dustin .


Tully comes in with a chair ! He slams it into Tazz’s back . Then he and Arn toss Tazz out together .

Gordon : And there goes Tazz .

Now Arn and Tully work over Meng . Dustin sees an opportunity here . The three of them get big man bent over the ropes , Dustin rolls out of the and pulls Meng out by the head . The body follows !! And out goes Meng .

Gordon : Brilliant Strategy by all 3 men , but now Dustin is going to pay , for sure and yessir …..

Dustin while sliding under the bottom rope , takes a beating from Arn and Tully , they toss him out .

Gordon : And that’s all she wrote for Dustin .


Randy Orton walks slowly to the ring . Arn and Tully are daring him to get in , but what they don’t see , is Batista sneak in the other side . He has Tully’s discarded chair and he waffles Arn in the back of the head with it . Batista hits Tully with an uppercut swing , knocking him out of the ring down to the floor !!

Gordon: Evolution has just shifted this contest !!! Out goes Tully !!!

Orton gets in the ring , Arn stumbles to his feet ….. RKO !!!!

Samoa Joe rolls in the ring . He puts on the Kita Clutch on Orton !!! Batista clotheslines Joe in the back of the head . Joe and Dave fight up the aisle .

Orton and Arn both lay on the mat trying to get their bearings . Neither man moving . Finally Orton is up . Arn gets to his knees , Orton goes for the Punt , but Arn is playing possum !! He trips up Orton , then hits a spinbuster !!! He covers 1……2……Orton kicks out !!! Arn now goes for the Gordbuster , but Orton turns it into a small package 1…….2…… noooo !!! Arn is out !! A SECOND SPINEBUSTER !!! DDT BY ARN !!!! 1……2…….3 !!!!

Gordon : Arn Anderson is moving on !!! We are out of time . For Joe Pedicino, I’m Gordon Solie saying so long from the Windy City of Chicago !


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Windy City Pro Wrestling #14 The Commodity    Empty
PostSubject: Re: Windy City Pro Wrestling #14 The Commodity    Windy City Pro Wrestling #14 The Commodity    EmptySun Jul 11, 2021 3:19 pm

Good promo from Hogan.....looking forward to see is he suffers a hangover from the title loss or not

Im all for any Rude winning

What the flip Steamboat?

Hmmmmm.......digging that Kerry moves out on his own.....but what will Evolution have to say about this?

Dusty vs Orton will be great

Shinsuke makes a big statement in that outing

Does Gary Hart have what ittakes to get it done here anymore?

Arn wins the bunkhouse but i have a feeling the Horsemen will have something to say about Evolution soon

cool show
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