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 Progress: United Kingdom #336 - ‘BAY BAY’

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Wes-ticular Fortitude
Wes-ticular Fortitude

Posts : 1154
Join date : 2018-09-28
Age : 48

Progress: United Kingdom #336 - ‘BAY BAY’ Empty
PostSubject: Progress: United Kingdom #336 - ‘BAY BAY’   Progress: United Kingdom #336 - ‘BAY BAY’ EmptyMon Jul 06, 2020 2:57 pm

Progress: United Kingdom #336 - ‘BAY BAY’ Progress_strong_style_pro_wrestling_logo_by_nuruddinayobwwe-dbceh2i


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1. ‘... A style of wrestling evolved from Japanese Puroresu (プロレス) and traditional British Catch wrestling that incorporates full contact martial arts kicks and strikes with a strong emphasis placed on submission wrestling ...’

Progress: United Kingdom #336 - ‘BAY BAY’ Aj_styles_wwe_champion_2017_by_lunaticdesigner-dbtgtag
Progress Atlas Champion: AJ STYLES
Progress: United Kingdom #336 - ‘BAY BAY’ Pete-dunne-uk-champ                     Progress: United Kingdom #336 - ‘BAY BAY’ OBA-YcxK_400x400
United Kingdom Champion:                  United States Champion:
Pete Dunne                                                LOW KI

Progress: United Kingdom #336 - ‘BAY BAY’ Dcx1rrn-48605f53-4d63-484f-b7c3-067aeaab4891
Progress Tag Team Champions: RODERICK STRONG & KYLE O’REILLEY

LOCATION: Belfast, Northern Ireland
ARENA: Kings Hall
ANNOUNCERS: Matt Striker & Pat McAfee

Progress: United Kingdom #336 - ‘BAY BAY’ Images?q=tbn%3AANd9GcTX9JfA_F7qFbXsDomjHBwT0fegXsoRiHwCpSJddfC4R2ZGMymi

NOTE: *** We get the disclaimer about how in Progress UK, we settles things in the ring .... The emphasis is more on the competition and the combatants fighting spirit than the characters .... ***

**** RECAP ****

Highlights are shown of the last show:

Rhea Ripley made an open challenge saying she had beaten everyone there is to beat .... This led to the debut of ‘Thick Mama Pump’ Jordynne Grace, who beat Ripley by DQ

Buddy Murphy once again used underhanded tactics to survive an encounter with WALTER

Drew McIntyre and Adam Cole met face to face, resulting in a brawl that ended with McIntyre taking out BOTH Cole and Bad Luck Fale and standing tall with the UWF world title ahead of their match at the 10th Anniversary show ....

* * * * OPENING SEGMENT * * * *

The show starts with the surprise arrival of UWF World Champion Adam Cole along with Bad Luck Fale and Lauren Brooke .... Cole is pissed that he even has to be in Ireland tonight, but he’s more pissed about what happened on the last show with McIntyre attacking them .... Cole says that McIntyre took a cheap shot but wouldn’t do it again .... Out comes Drew McIntyre to a big pop .... Cole doesn’t want to wait until the 10th Anniversary and he wants to fight TONIGHT!  McIntyre is totally fine with that and he starts to the ring but Cole stops him .... He didn’t mean HE was the one that was gonna fight McIntyre, instead he will fight Bad Luck Fale tonight!  

We go to the announce desk with Matt Striker and Pat McAfee .... They welcome us to tonight’s show and put over what we will see tonight ....

*** Our main event is set, as Drew McIntyre will meet Bullet Clubs Bad Luck Fale

*** British Strong Style face off with American Alpha in a 6 man war

*** Buddy Murphy takes on Fabian Aichner of Ringkampf

*** We will see the in-ring debut of Irelands own Jordan Devlin

*** ‘The Villain’ Marty Scurll returns to the ring for the first time since his Hell in a Cell match with William Regal as he takes on the returning Juice Robinson ....

’Best Kept Secret’ Buddy Murphy (AUSTRALIA)
- vs -
Fabian Aichner w/ Axel Dieter Jr. (ITALY)

.... Murphy talks shit about WALTER because the big man isn’t here tonight .... Dieter Jr. is honorable and remains at ringside without interfering .... Murphy isn’t so honorable, using the ref to knock Aichner off the top rope and then he finishes him with Murphy’s Law ....


Jordan Devlin video package .... he is interviewed and says he’s been tearing up the independent wrestling scene in the U.K. and has has the weight of an entire country on his shoulders .... he is asked about Finn Balor training him and he says when he debuts he is going to make everyone forget the name Finn Balor and remember the name Jordan Devlin .... He calls himself the Irish Ace and says you never bet against as ace ....

’Irish Ace’ Jordan Devlin (IRELAND)
- vs -
Flash Morgan Webster (WALES)

.... Devlin looks very impressive in his debut with Progress .... he wrestles a very technical and aggressive style and largely dominates this match, finishing off Webster with the Ireland’s Call (fireman carry into emerald fusion) ....

POST MATCH: Devlin continues to show his aggressiveness by attacking Webster after the match is over and hitting the Irish whip backdrop driver .... Mark Andrews comes out to make the save for his fellow Welchman and Devlin takes a powder ....

British Strong Style (UK champion ‘Bruiserweight’ Pete Dunne, Trent Seven & Tyler Bate)
- vs -
American Alpha (Jack Swagger, Chad Gable & Jason Jordan)

.... This feud has been building, and especially now that Dunne is the new U.K. champion and Swagger is chasing him .... The action is incredible by 3 stars that represent the future .... Wr get a wild barrage of false finishes down the closing stretch, ending with Dunne hitting the Bitter End on Gable to score the pin for his team ....

POST MATCH:  Swagger attacks Dunne after the finish and locks him in the ankle lock and won’t let go .... American Alpha holds off Mustache Mountain while Swagger does the damage, but eventually Seven and Bate fight their way past Gable & Jordan and make the save for Dunne .... Dunne is in bad shape and can barely stand as Swagger makes the motion across his waist that he wants the U.K. title ....


We get a video hyping Progress’ Takeover: Atlanta Show from the Infinite Energy Arena in Duluth, GA .... this will take place the night before the UWF 10th Anniversary Show .... Signed so far are:

- AJ Styles defends the Progress Atlas title against Austin Aries ....

- Charlotte Flair vs. Shayna Baszler ....

- Tag Team Royal Rumble with the winning team getting a shot at the Progress tag team titles ....

Up next, Jordynne Grace makes her way out to the ring and calls out Rhea Ripley .... Grace says she just became the top of the food chain in the U.K. women’s division .... Instead, out comes Becky Lynch to a HUGE pop from her hometown Irish fans .... Becky says with all due respect, Grace needs to slow down a little bit .... She just walked in the door, but Becky has been here and this is HER time .... No one is jumping in front of her .... Grace says any obstacle in her way she’s bulldozed her way through .... and if Becky stands in her way she will bulldoze her too ....

Rhea Ripley comes out along with Bea Priestley and Killer Kelly .... Ripley says neither one of them are worthy of challenging her .... Priestley and Kelly challenge Becky and Grace to a tag team match right now ....

Killer Kelly (PORTUGAL) & Bea Priestley (NEW ZEALAND)
- vs -
Becky Lynch (IRELAND) & Jordynne Grace (UNITED STATES)

.... Becky and Jordynne are clearly not on the same page here, and it seems like each one is trying to out-do the other one .... Grace ends up hitting the Fall from Grace on Kelly, but Becky tags herself in and locks on the Disarm-Her for the submission ....

Grace is pissed and her and Lynch get nose to nose .... Priestley and Kelly attack them before they can fight .... Grace quickly turns the tables and starts tossing them around but Ripley slides in and KO’s Grace from behind with the Internet title!  Grace is down, and it’s 3 on 1 beat down of Lynch until Tegan Nox runs out and makes the save with a chair .... Ripley backs up the ramp raising the Internet title above her head ....

’The Villain’ Marty Scurll (GREAT BRITAIN)
- vs -
Juice Robinson (UNITED STATES)

.... This is a long and hard battle centering around Juice wanting to get revenge on Scurll for breaking his hand several months back .... Juices hand is 100% and he looks good here in taking the fight to Scurll for a large portion of the match .... Scurll villainously targets the hand by snapping the fingers and then stomping his hand .... Juice rallies with a palm strike and hits the cannonball in the corner, but he goes for Pulp Friction and Scurll reverses it into the Crossface Chicknwing!!!!  Scurll is trying to get the hold locked in but Juice kicks off the ropes and rolls on top of Scurll in a pinning position!  1 ... 2 ... Scurll won’t let go of the hold ... 3!!!!

POST MATCH: Juice has upset Scurll, but Marty attacks after the match .... he puts Juices hand in the chair and is going to stomp on it, but Juice frees himself and throws the chair in Scurlls face!  LEFT HAND OF GOD!  Juice puts Marty’s hand in the chair now!  Before he can stomp it, Scurll pulls free and bails out of the ring .... security is out to get between the men, and Johnny Saint comes out and books a rematch between them for Progress Takeover: Atlanta the night before the 10th Anniversary Show!

Drew McIntyre (SCOTLAND)
- vs -
Bad Luck Fale w/ Lauren Brooke & UWF Champion Adam Cole (NEW ZEALAND)

.... This is a fight from the start .... Cole being at ringside is a constant distraction for McIntyre, allowing Fale to control a big part of the match .... McIntyre slowly fights back, hitting a jawbreaker to create space .... McIntyre slips out of a super-plex attempt and counters into a sunset flip powerbomb for 2!  McIntyre scoops the big Fale up and drills him with a Celtic Cross for a near fall!  McIntyre sets for the Claymore but Fale pulls the ref in the way!  With the ref distracted Cole slides in and nails a superkick on McIntyre!  Fale picks Drew up and nails him with the Bad Luck Fall!!!!  1 ... 2 ... Nooooo!  Cole is throwing a fit at ringside and can’t believe it!  Fale goozles McIntyre and tries for the Grenade but McIntyre counters with the Glasgow Kiss!  FUTURE SHOCK!  1 ... 2 ... Cole is on the apron!  McIntyre knocks Cole to the floor then turns back to Fale as he is trying to get up .... CLAYMORE TO FALE!!!!  COLE KO’S MCINTYRE WITH THE UWF TITLE BELT!  The ref calls for the DQ ....

POST MATCH - Cole hammers away at McIntyre with ground and pound, then backs off and orders Fale to pull McIntyre up .... Cole blows McIntyre a kiss, then drills him with a superkick .... Fale picks him up and hits the Grenade .... Mcintyre is laid out, and Cole puts a foot on his chest as he holds up the UWF title to end the show .... ‘ADAM COLE BAY BAY!!!!’


We get a hype video for the UWF 10th Anniversary show this weekend:

UWF World title: Adam Cole defends against Drew McIntyre

UWF WORLD TAG TITLE 3 WAY DANCE: War Machine vs. Metal Pollution vs. Paul Orndorff & Roddy Piper

UWF JUNIOR HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE: Hayabusa vs Super Dragon vs Eddie Kingston

UWF WOMENS TITLE: Ruby Riott vs Trish Stratus

Velveteen Dream vs Goldust

Prince Puma vs Kushida

Killer Death Machines vs Cutie Pie Club

Cataclysm vs. Hell-o-ween Queens ....
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