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 Beyond #6 - ‘The Match Beyond’

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Wes-ticular Fortitude
Wes-ticular Fortitude

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Beyond #6 - ‘The Match Beyond’ Empty
PostSubject: Beyond #6 - ‘The Match Beyond’   Beyond #6 - ‘The Match Beyond’ EmptyFri Aug 07, 2020 2:43 pm

Beyond #6 - ‘The Match Beyond’ Beyondwrestling1012_2
Beyond’s style emphasizes on the competition and the combatants fighting spirit .... In Beyond, it is a mix of Attitude era-WWF with strong style wrestling, and things are settled in the ring ....

VENUE: The Beyond ‘Asylum’

Galen Center on the campus of University of Southern California

CITY: Los Angeles, California

CAPACITY: 10,258

ANNOUNCE TEAM: Mauro Renallo & Corey Graves
Beyond #6 - ‘The Match Beyond’ W_baskbl_auto_original_8372571
Huge pyro explodes from the stage and 10,000 strong are on their feet in the Beyond ‘Asylum’ in SoCal ....

Show opens with Shane McMahon coming down to the ring, once again wearing the Beyond title .... Shane says the title will be known as the Beyond ‘ELITE’ title .... He moves on to address the closing moments of Beyond #5, where he took the Rock Bottom .... He’s going to let what happened with the Rock last week slide because he knows emotions were running high .... HBK and the Rock will face off at INCEPTION, but tonight it’s about the ELITE title ....

Beyond #6 - ‘The Match Beyond’ Jericho2013_crop_north

‘JUDAS’ by Fozzy hits and out comes Chris Jericho to interrupt .... Jericho is out here to save this segment because Chris Jericho is the crown jewel of this company .... Shane says for someone who says they are the best in the world at what they do, so far all Jericho has done is open the show or be a wannabe rock Star .... He’s tired of Jericho’s words and he wants to see some action .... Jericho says Shane is a joke and says Vince McMahon would never tolerate a talent putting his hands on him like Shane did ....  DWAYNE should be fined and suspended for what he did .... Jericho questions Shane’s leadership skills, and says since Shane isn’t capable of leading then it’s up to him to be the leader of Beyond .... and he is going to lead by example when he defeats 19 other men in THE MATCH BEYOND and wins the ELITE title tonight ....

Beyond #6 - ‘The Match Beyond’ Corey-mauro

We go to Mauro & Graves at ringside .... They hype THE MATCH BEYOND, and set up the other matches on the show tonight .... We are going to see Sasha Banks defend her IWS All-Stars women’s title against Kairi Sane, but standing by right now is the team that made a shocking debut last week, Scott Dawson & Dash Wilder, The Revival ....

IN THE BACK - JENN DECK is with THE REVIVAL (Scott Dawson & Dash Wilder)

The Revival are standing by with JENN DECKER .... Why target the Steiners?  Dawson says it’s prison rules .... you walk in and punch the biggest, baddest guy in the mouth on day 1 .... what they did was send a message that they run this tag team division now .... The Steiners are brothers, so what?  Dash & Dawson have known each other all their lives and are closer than brothers .... they put themselves over as tag team specialists and the BEYOND tag team division is going to be the best in the IWA because of the Revival ....

1. DIRT SHEET w/ The Miz & John Morrison

Miz & Morrison discuss THE MATCH BEYOND tonight and they argue about which one of them is going to be the one to win the match .... Miz says no matter what, one of them will win  the ELITE title and then they will win the tag titles too and have ALL the titles .... Miz insists it will be him, but Morrison disagrees ....

They introduce their guest, and it’s BECKY LYNCH .... a lot of mystery is surrounding Lynch the last few weeks .... Especially after Becky ‘inadvertently’ cost Tessa Blanchard  her match against Lacey Evans on RISE #1 .... Becky plays innocent, saying she was just coming out to do her job as a guest commentator .... the fact is, everyone wants to know what Becky is thinking, but no one wants to let her speak .... that’s ok, because she isn’t here to talk she’s here to fight ....

Queue Bayley & Sasha Banks entrance, cutting Becky off again .... Becky is visibly annoyed .... they are confused by her behavior as well .... Bayley asks Becky if she trusts them, and Becky says she does .... they want to go to the back and talk about it .... KAIRI SANE’S music hits and she comes out for her match with Sasha ...

2. Sasha Banks defends the IWS Women’s All-Star title against Kairi Sane

High energy match here .... Sane connects with the In-SANE elbow drop, but Bayley pulls the ref outside the ring before the 3!  Sane wipes out Bayley with a dive and faces off with Becky, and the distraction allows Banks to hit the Backstabber into the Banks Statement for the submission on Kairi

POST MATCH: Bayley is back up and attacks Kairi .... Sasha joins in but Bayley just stands there and watches .... Asuka hits the ring to make the save .... Becky then chooses to enter and gets right in Asuka’s face!  Everyone is down and we get a stand off with Asuka & Becky! .... Tessa hits the ring and attacks Asuka from behind!  Tessa looks at Becky like ‘why aren’t you joining in’ but Becky still just stands there .... Lacey Evans runs down with a chair to make the save and Sasha, Bayley & Tessa bail out .... Becky doesn’t back down despite the fact that Lacey has a chair!  Becky smiles and finally just leaves the ring on her own, walking right past Valkyrie without acknowledging them ....


* We see footage of last week with the Russians attacking Kurt Angle and stealing his gold medals *

Ivan points to the footage and says they are the victims ... he says all they did was exercise Freedom of Speech and the American attacked them for it .... just like Americans attack everyone .... Ivan says he and Nikita were peaceful but then they showed Kurt Angle just how superior the are .... where is Angle?  He isn’t even here this week .... they took his Gold Medals, his most prized possession, and Angle does nothing because Nikita is superior .... and tonight he will win the ELITE title ....

We go back into the arena ....

Beyond #6 - ‘The Match Beyond’ Paul1

Out comes PAUL HEYMAN and he’s carrying the UWF world title belt!

HEYMAN - ‘Ladies and gentlemen ... my name is Paul ... Heyman.  And tonight, all of you here in Los Angeles, and yes even myself, are here to witness history.  And I get the best seat in the house .... Allow me to introduce to you .... your REIGNING ... DEFENDING ... UNDISPUTED ... UWF WORLD Champion ... Ladies & Gentlemen ... the Best in the World ... C ... M ... PUNK!’

‘CULT OF PERSONALITY’ by Living Colour hits and brings out CM Punk!!!!  He’s here!!!!  Mauro comments on how Punk is still wearing the UWF world heavyweight title .... Graves says of course he is because he’s the world champion!  Mauro says that Beyond doesn’t recognize the title of THAT organization as the world title ....

Beyond #6 - ‘The Match Beyond’ CM_Punk_as_WWE_CHAMPION_display_image_6367

CM PUNK - ‘Speak of the devil and the devil appears. *CROWD POPS*  Please, you can save your applause because I’m not here for that.  What I AM here for is the fact that the name CM Punk has been on the lips of the wrestling world, and now I have a platform and a message that needs to be heard .... and that message is directed straight at one man ... and that’s YOU Hulk Hogan .... Hey Hulkster, do I have your attention now?  It’s a pity what had to happen to Ed Leslie just to send a simple message .... and that message is this: Hulk Hogan you are NO world champion!  You are NO hero!  You are as fake as all these people in this arena ... I sit here and I listen to you spewing your garbage about ‘eating your vitamins, training and saying your prayers’ and these sheep love you for it .... but it’s all a lie, just like Santa Claus is a lie and just like the fact that you are announced as the world champion is a lie!  

You see, these people may be entitled to their opinions, but they are NOT entitled to facts!  And the fact is, Hogan, that you are a liar and a thief!  The FACTS remain clear: you’ve stolen my moves, you’ve stolen my spotlight, and you have a belt that makes you believe that you have a claim to being the Best in the World, but the FACT is that the Best in the World AND the real world champion is C
...M ... Punk!  I hold in my hand a belt that has over a decade of lineage, you have a belt that is living out the final moments of its 15 minutes of fame .... But Hogan, your 15 minutes are now up!  If you call yourself a champion, hell, if you call yourself a MAN, I am challenging you to meet me right here next week, on this platform .... because I’ve got something to tell you face to face and, believe me, it’s something you’re gonna want to hear.  Hogan, the ‘real’ world champion looks forward to your answer ....’

Back at the announce desk, Mauro and Graves talk about this bombshell.  CM Punk has challenged Hulk Hogan, the IWA world champion, to meet him here in BEYOND next week!!!!  The IWA world champion and the UWF world champion will be in a BEYOND ring at the same time!  What does this mean???  


Cameras follow Kurt Angle as he arrives at the building .... JENN DECKER tries to get a word with him but Angle just walks right by .... he’s on a mission .... the camera crew follows him as he goes looking for Nikita & Ivan .... He busts up in the locker room and attacks Nikita, but Ivan quickly jumps in and it’s 2 on 1 .... Angle gets beat down and Nikita takes the Russian chain and nails Angle with it!  Angle is busted open, and Nikita takes the chain and hammers him repeatedly with it!  Angle is a bloody mess!!!!  Agents and backstage guys finally come in and break it up, but Angle is left laying ....

Back at the announce table, Mauro says they will get an update on Kurt Angle as soon as possible, but his status for the MATCH BEYOND could be in doubt after that attack by the Russians ....

3. Mia Yim vs. Deonna Purazzo

Purazzo is fully acting heel now .... we notice that SoCal Val has come out to watch Yim .... Purazzo attacks the arm as she is known to do .... However, Toni Storm runs out of the back and attacks Purazzo, giving Yim the win via DQ ....

POST MATCH:  The beat down continues as Toni kicks Deonna’s ass all over the ringside area and sends her running to the back .... we see SoCal Val again, who is taking notes on her clipboard ....


ROCK - ‘FINALLY .... THE ROCK .... HAS COME BACK ... TO LOOOOOS ANGEEEELLLLEEEES!  You wanna ask the Rock about Shawn Michaels .... you wanna ask the Rock about adversity .... being down to my last $7.00 in my pocket .... to today .... the Rock knows about adversity .... and just like the Rock is standing here the most electrifying man in sports and entertainment, the Rock says he’s about to walk through THE MATCH BEYOND and lay the smack down on 19 other candy asses!  And when all the dust has settled and all the smoke has cleared, the Rock is gonna be the one standing there with the Elite title!  Shawn Michaels, at INCEPTION you will go one on one with the Great One .... but tonight the Rock says if you enter the match before the Rock, go hide under the ring, under the announce table, it doesn’t matter .... but the Rock says at some point tonight he hopes that you and the Rock end up in the ring at the same time, because at that very moment, the Brahma Bull is gonna dip his horns and STICK EM STRAIGHT UP YOUR CANDY ASS!!!!  IF YA SMEEEEEEELLLLLOW .... WHAT THE ROCK .... IS COOKIN’ ....‘

Back at the announce table Mauro and Graves talk about the Rocks intensity and say he’s ready for tonight .... We see War Machine (Rowe & Hanson) seated in the crowd and it is announced that they have signed to be a part of BEYOND’s already stacked tag division ....

Beyond #6 - ‘The Match Beyond’ 1dc0c7c124b2fea1-600x338


HBK says in one night, the power of Sweet Chin Music shifted the balance of power in Beyond  .... All these nimrods keep talking about how they are gonna be the one to win THE MATCH BEYOND .... everyone needs to realize that HBK is THE GUY around here, because he has 2 things that no one else on this roster has .... something not even the Rock has .... one is talent on loan from God, and the other is the absolute will to be the very best in this business .... and at the end of the night I’m going to have something else that no one else has, and that is the Elite title!!!!

Order of entry:

1. Chris Benoit
2. Scott Steiner
3. Jonn Morrison
4. Davey Richards
5. Hideo Itami
6. Eddie Edwards
7. Rob Van Dam
8. Rick Steiner
9. Chris Jericho
10. Cody Rhodes
11. Lance Storm
12. Daniel Bryan
13. The Rock
14. Nikita Koloff
15. Adam Page
16. Damien Priest
17. Shawn Michaels
18. Matt Riddle
19. The Miz
20. Finn Balor


1. Rick Steiner; by Chris Benoit (Crippler Crossface)
2. Davey Richards; by Scott Steiner (Steiner Recliner)
3. Scott Steiner; by Rob Van Dam (5 Star Frog Splash)
4. Eddie Edwards; by John Morrison (Moonlight Drive)
5. Chris Benoit; by Chris Jericho (Codebreaker)
6. Hideo Itami; by Cody Rhodes (Cross Rhodes)
7. Rob Van Dam; by Chris Jericho (Codebreaker)
8. John Morrison; by The Rock (Rock Bottom)
9. Lance Storm; by The Rock (Rock Bottom)
10. Nikita Koloff; by Adam Page (Buckshot Lariat)
11. The Rock; by Damien Priest (Reckoning)
12. Matt Riddle; by Shawn Michaels (Sweet Chin Music)
13. Shawn Michaels; unable to continue
14. Damien Priest; by The Miz (Skull Krushing Finale)
15. Adam Page; by Cody Rhodes (Cross Rhodes)
16. The Miz; by Finn Balor (Coup De Grace)


1. Kurt Angle is ruled out of the match due to the earlier attack by the Russians in the locker room ....

2. Nikita Koloff enters the match at #14 .... as Nikita makes his way to the ring, he is attacked in the aisle by Kurt Angle wielding a steel chair!!!!  Everyone is down in the ring and the focus is on Angle & Nikita as Angle just obliterates Nikita with the chair .... Angle tosses Koloff in the ring and hits an Olympic Slam .... Adam Page’s music hits at #15 .... Angle leaves the ring and passes Page in the aisle and stop to stare at each other .... Angle points to Nikita and basically serves him up to Page .... Page goes to the ring as Nikita starts to get up .... Page hits the Buckshot Lariat to Nikita and pins him!!!!

3. Meanwhile, The Rock is Layin the Smack down on the other people still in the match .... At #17 Shawn Michaels’ music hits and everyone just stops!  HBK comes dancing down to the ring but won’t enter, and the Rock is waiting and gives him the ‘Just Bring It!’ gesture .... Rock is attacked on all sides, and he just basically goes ape shit trying to get through everyone to Michaels .... John Morrison eats a Rock Bottom and Rock pins him to eliminate him .... Rock pops up and catches Lance Storm with a Rock Bottom as well, and he’s gone too .... This allows HBK to slide in behind Rock and he turns around RIGHT INTO SWEET CHIN MUSIC!  Rock staggers into the ‘South of Heaven’ from Damien Priest and the Rock is eliminated!!!!  HBK stands over Rock and gives him the crotch chop ....

4. The match continues, and HBK eliminates Matt Riddle with Sweet Chin Music .... a few minutes after being eliminated, The Rock comes back and attacks HBK!!!!  Everyone else kind of stops and watches as Rock beats HBK from pillar to post .... he takes him outside the ring, and puts HBK through the announce table with a Rock Bottom!  Referees come out to pull Rock off of Michaels, and they try to escort him out but he stops halfway up the ramp and decides he’s not done!  Rock heads back to the ring and attacks Michaels again!!!! .... ROCK BOTTOM THROUGH THE SPANISH ANNOUNCE TABLE THIS TIME!!!!  Rock is finally forced to leave, but Michaels has been taken out and can’t continue the match!

5. Finn Balor makes his BEYOND debut as a surprise entrant at #20 and runs wild, eliminating the Miz with the Coup De Grace ...

We are now down to the Final Four and it is CHRIS JERICHO vs. FINN BALOR vs. DANIEL BRYAN vs. CODY RHODES .... One of these men will be the first Beyond champion!!!! ....

At this point the crowd is solidly behind Balor because this is his debut night .... Jericho suggests a team up with Cody against Balor and Bryan, but quickly turns on Cody and tries to roll him up from behind .... from there the action breaks down as all 4 men are going at it .... Balor and Cody brawl on the floor, and Bryan sits Jericho up top and goes for the super-back suplex .... Jericho fights him off, but Bryan ends up SUPERPLEXING Jericho to the floor on top of Cody and Balor!!!!  Holy Shit!!!!

Back in the ring, Cody hits the Bionic rolling elbow strike on Bryan for a close 2 count!  Cody goes for the Cross Rhodes, but Bryan reverses out of it into a Tiger Suplex!  Bryan traps the arms and rains down the elbows, then goes right into the Cattle Mutilation!  But Balor is up top .... COUP DE GRACE TO BRYAN WHILE HE’S GOT THE CATTLE MUTILATION ON CODY!!!!  Balor covers Bryan for the 1 ... 2 ... 3!


Jericho and Cody briefly team up to toss Balor, then they go at it .... Cody goes for the Disaster Kick, but Jericho catches his foot in mid-air and locks on the Walls of Jericho!  ASK HIM!!!!  Cody battles out of it, and counters the Codebreaker by grabbing both of Jerichos legs and he catapults him into Balor, knocking Balor off the apron to the floor!  CROSS RHODES!!!!  1 ... 2 ... Jericho kicks out!!!!  Cody goes for another Disaster Kick, but Jericho catches him in mid-air with a Codebreaker!!!!  1 ... 2 ... 3!!!!


It’s down to Jericho and Finn Balor, and we are under REGULAR match rules now .... The crowd is solidly behind Balor here .... they slowly walk to the middle of the ring and Jericho starts jawing at Balor .... Balor gives Jericho the finger gun salute and Jericho fires off some forearms and takes control .... Balor returns the favor with some flying forearms off the ropes .... SLINGBLADE!  Balor charges for the Shotgun dropkick but Jericho catches his legs and goes for the Walls of Jericho!  ASK HIM!  Balor makes the ropes to break the hold!  Jericho with the bulldog but Balor gets the knees up when he tries the Lionsault!  Both men are down!  The ref puts the count on both men, and they are able to beat it to their feet at 9!  Balor goes for the Bloody Sunday, but Jericho takes out the legs and goes for the Walls of Jericho again .... Balor counters with a roll up!  1 ... 2 ... 2.9999999!!!!  Balor to his feet and hits the Slingblade!  SHOTGUN DROPKICK!  Balor to the top .... but Jericho is out of the way of the Coup De Grace!  Balor rolls to his feet ... RIGHT INTO THE JUDAS EFFECT OUT OF NOWHERE!!!!  Jericho is basically out on his feet but he falls on top of Balor!  1 ... 2 ... 3!  Chris Jericho is the very first BEYOND champion!!!!

Beyond #6 - ‘The Match Beyond’ Chris_jericho_682x4_577138a

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Beyond #6 - ‘The Match Beyond’ Empty
PostSubject: Re: Beyond #6 - ‘The Match Beyond’   Beyond #6 - ‘The Match Beyond’ EmptyFri Aug 07, 2020 6:32 pm

I'm all for a Revival/Steiners program!

Still not buying Becky's loyalty issues here. I predict shes waiting for her moment to strike....but who will it be against

Really enjoying this Punk angle with Hogan. It's my favorite thing currently in the efed

That's the heel we needed to see out of Nikita

Wonder what So Cal has up her sleeve?

After all the weeks of Jericho talking pays off as he becomes the champ. But...... Somewhere, I think HBK will have something to say about this as he was never "officially" eliminated.

This was a really fun read. Look forward to Jerichos reign here

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Johnny Rose

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Beyond #6 - ‘The Match Beyond’ Empty
PostSubject: Re: Beyond #6 - ‘The Match Beyond’   Beyond #6 - ‘The Match Beyond’ EmptySun Aug 09, 2020 7:14 pm

Man . I could read your Jerhico stuff all day .

Like seeing Sasha defend that belt .

Killer promo by Nikita

So enjoying working with you on this program .

The Mach Beyond was incredible . And dogging Jerhico winking

Great show
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Beyond #6 - ‘The Match Beyond’ Empty
PostSubject: Re: Beyond #6 - ‘The Match Beyond’   Beyond #6 - ‘The Match Beyond’ EmptyThu Aug 13, 2020 2:38 am

Jericho is always fun

Really liked that promo from the Koloffs

I hope Hogan murders Punk

Interesting way you went about writing the Match Beyond. I enjoyed it a lot. I went in thinking it would be Angle or Jericho winning the Title.

Great Show.
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