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 Progress #356 - ‘Bow to the Queen (of Spades)’

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Wes-ticular Fortitude
Wes-ticular Fortitude

Posts : 1154
Join date : 2018-09-28
Age : 48

Progress #356 - ‘Bow to the Queen (of Spades)’ Empty
PostSubject: Progress #356 - ‘Bow to the Queen (of Spades)’   Progress #356 - ‘Bow to the Queen (of Spades)’ EmptyTue Jul 07, 2020 11:30 am

Progress #356 - ‘Bow to the Queen (of Spades)’ Progress_strong_style_pro_wrestling_logo_by_nuruddinayobwwe-dbceh2i

/strôNG/ /stīl/

1. ‘... A style of wrestling evolved from Japanese Puroresu (プロレス) and traditional British Catch wrestling that incorporates full contact martial arts kicks and strikes with a strong emphasis placed on submission wrestling ...’

In Progress, the emphasis is more on the competition and the combatants fighting spirit rather than characters, and we settle things in the ring ....

Atlas Champion:
Finn Balor

Bray, County Wicklow Ireland

Coup De Grace
Bloody Sunday

Reign: 12/17/19
Progress #356 - ‘Bow to the Queen (of Spades)’ 4ae50ea04ce68aa4196100d01ccafffa

Progress #356 - ‘Bow to the Queen (of Spades)’ Drew_mcintyre_raw_tag_team_champion_render_by_josebryan_28_dcmdrmx-fullview.png?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7ImhlaWdodCI6Ijw9OTk5IiwicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvYmM0NDJkYzQtNmFkOC00ZjUzLTk0ZTMtNGQxMmZkZmZlN2NjXC9kY21kcm14LWY2MGQyMzY1LWQzNGUtNDFhMC04YWVhLTkzMjc0NDNkMjVlZi5wbmciLCJ3aWR0aCI6Ijw9MTAyNCJ9XV0sImF1ZCI6WyJ1cm46c2VydmljZTppbWFnZS5vcGVyYXRpb25zIl19Genesis Champion:
Drew McIntyre

Ayers, Scotland

Future Shock DDT

Reign: 01/23/20

Tag Team Champions:
Kyle O’Reilley & Roderick Strong

Tampa, Florida (Strong)
Vancouver, British Columbia (O’Reilley)

End of Heartace (Strong)
Arm-ageddon (O’Reilley)
No Mans Land (tag team finisher)

Reign: 01/23/20
Progress #356 - ‘Bow to the Queen (of Spades)’ Dcx1rrn-48605f53-4d63-484f-b7c3-067aeaab4891.png?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7InBhdGgiOiJcL2ZcLzBjNzgyZTRjLWZhZTAtNGE4Ny1iN2IxLWE3NTI1OThkOWRmOVwvZGN4MXJybi00ODYwNWY1My00ZDYzLTQ4NGYtYjdjMy0wNjdhZWFhYjQ4OTEucG5nIn1dXSwiYXVkIjpbInVybjpzZXJ2aWNlOmZpbGUuZG93bmxvYWQiXX0

Progress #356 - ‘Bow to the Queen (of Spades)’ 290025242028211Women’s Champion:
Shayna Baszler

Souix Falls, South Dakota

Kirafuda Clutch

Reign: 07/23/19

Internet Champion:
Mia Yim

Fontana, California

Protect Ya Neck
Kick Me Goodnight
Package Piledriver

Reign: 01/14/20
Progress #356 - ‘Bow to the Queen (of Spades)’ 450?cb=20190620070917

Progress #356 - ‘Bow to the Queen (of Spades)’ 31d8e00d2a9f259b-600x338
LOCATION: Blackpool, Lancashire England
ARENA: Empress Ballroom
ANNOUNCERS: Mauro Renallo, Corey Graves & Renee Young
TV: Fox in United States; Sky Sports in United Kingdom


Mauro, Renee & Graves are at ringside and put over tonight’s show .... In the main event, Edge faces Marty Scurll .... if Scurll wins, Edge forfeits his right to challenge for the Atlas title as long as Finn Balor is champion ....

The Viking horn sounds and former Progress tag team champions War Machine come out to the ring .... Rowe takes the mic and talks about the announced match for next weeks show between Strong & O’Reilley vs. Grizzled Young Vets .... Rowe says things aren’t over and the War will continue .... They are interrupted by the return of Imperium (Marcel Barthel & Fabian Aichner) .... Barthel has a mic and says War Machine are what is wrong with the tag team division .... The mat is sacred to them, and it is up to them to save the tag team division in Progress .... Rowe draws the line in the sand and dares Imperium to get in the ring and cross it .... Barthel & Aichner aren’t ones to back down and we get an impromptu tag match

1. War Machine (Hanson & Rowe) ~ (UNITED STATES) def. Imperium (Marcel Barthel & Fabian Aichner) ~ (GERMANY & ITALY) .... Rowe and Hanson KNOW they’ve been through a war after this one is over .... Both teams just beat the hell out of each other and Imperium looks really good .... War Machine wins after hitting the Fallout on Aichner ....

**** VIDEO ****

A video package airs for Rhea Ripley .... Ripley says she’s looking for a fight tonight, and she wants her title back .... she’s in action next ....

2. Rhea Ripley (AUSTRALIA) def. Vanessa Borne (UNITED STATES) w/ Aaliyah in a squash after hitting the Riptide ....

POST MATCH: Aaliyah tries to take a shot at Ripley but gets laid out with the Riptide as well .... Ripley stands tall and grabs the mic .... she says last week she played nice and showed respect, but she wants her title back and she’s coming for Mia Yim ....

**** IN THE BACK ****

Ricochet confronts Drew McIntyre and says he pushed McIntyre to the limit last week .... McIntyre gives him respect and says it could have gone either way, but it went his way .... Ricochet says he still believes he is pound for pound the best wrestler in Progress and says he will be a champion .... McIntyre doesn’t doubt that, it just won’t happen as long as he has the Genesis title .... he respects Ricochet and will give him another shot any time ....

McIntyre walks off and as he turns the corner he runs into Finn Balor .... They stare each other down for a brief moment as the fans pop .... McIntyre looks down at the Genesis title, and Balor looks down at his title as well .... McIntyre smiles and then walks off ....

Britt Baker comes out to the ring as the announcers recap her lasting 10 minutes against Shayna Baszler at Civil War, which earned her a future title shot .... Baker says she showed she could hang with Baszler, and last week she sent her a message with that superkick .... she knows she can beat Baszler and she’s going to make the most of her opportunity ....

Out come Shayna Baszler along with Marina Shafir & Jessamyn Duke .... Baszler says Baker feels that way now, but then the Horsewomen get in the ring and surround her .... ‘Do you still feel that way?’ ....  They attack Baker like a pack of wolves and she doesn’t stand a chance .... Baszler calls them off so she can pick the bones, and she does her nasty arm stomp!  Baker is screaming and rolling around holding her arm, and Baszler gets the mic and calls Baker nothing but a distraction .... She wants to address Charlotte Flair because she is still pissed about last week .... Baszler says she is nobodies messenger, she is the most dangerous woman in this company and the longest reigning champion in Progress .... Charlotte is going to realize that the hard way and the Queen will bow down to the Queen of Spades .... Baszler attacks Baker again, putting her arm inside the ring steps and then kicking the steps into it!!!! .... The trainers come out and check on Baker, who is in bad shape ....

**** IN THE BACK ****

Johnny Gargano talks to Alicia Atout about how it’s good to be back after injury .... He talks about working out at the Progress Dojo, but he is interrupted by ‘Switchblade’ Jay White .... White runs down Gargano, saying he spends more time on the shelf than anyone .... White puts himself over, and Gargano proposes that White be his opponent for later tonight ....

Drew McIntyre comes out and offers a title shot to the first man that walks through the curtain that can step to him like a man .... but whoever it is better be ready to be knocked down like a man .... The challenge is accepted by Mojo Rawley ....

3. (Genesis Champion) Drew McIntyre (SCOTLAND) def. Mojo Rawley (UNITED STATES) .... the bell rings and McIntyre KILLS Rawley with the Claymore and pins him in less than 30 seconds ....

**** IN THE BACK ****

We get video footage showing the developing feud between Team Kick and the UWF women’s tag team champions the Killer Baes .... it started at Civil War then led to more action in MWA ....

We then cut to a promo from Team Kick where Tegan challenges the Baes to a 2/3 falls match at Saturday Nights Main Event ....

4. ‘Switchblade’ Jay White (NEW ZEALAND) def. Johnny Gargano (UNITED STATES) in a very competitive match that tears the house down .... Gargano is super over as the underdog babyface and he battles from underneath so well .... White resorts to a low blow while the ref is out of position, then hits the Blade Runner to score the pin and ruin Gargano’s return ....

**** AT RINGSIDE ****

They are showing video footage of Buddy Murphy quitting last week when they are interrupted by the debuting Angel Garza!  Garza comes to the announce table and demands that the video be cut .... he snatches Mario’s headset off his head and puts it on, cutting a promo in Spanish to the people watching at home .... Garza throws the headset down and walks off ....

**** IN THE BACK ****

Matt Riddle and Keith Lee are talking .... they are bros and Riddle gives props to Keith Lee for beating him last week .... He asks Lee for another match, and Lee is down with it .... it will happen next week ....

ALSO NEXT WEEK: Grizzled Young Vets challenge Roderick Strong & Kyle O’Reilley for the Progress tag team titles ....

6. Edge (UNITED STATES) def. ‘The Villain’ Marty Scurll (ENGLAND) .... Atlas Champion Finn Balor comes out at ringside to watch this, as this match has implications on whether Edge can challenge for the title again .... the match goes from wrestling to brawling and then back to wrestling again for the intense closing stretch .... Scurll tries to use the umbrella again like in their previous match, but this time Edge avoids it .... Edge hits the spear out of nowhere for the 3 count to even their rivalry at 1-1 ....

Edge goes outside to confront Finn Balor at ringside .... this allows Marty to recover and attack Edge
In the post match, knocking him into Balor!  Balor comes back to make the save for Edge and beat down Marty, but then Edge returns the favor and lays him out with the spear!  Edge stands tall ....


We get the surprise appearance of Ronda Rousey as she comes out to close the show!  Rousey says she asked William Regal for this time to address Charlotte Flair .... She talks about how she has gotten offers from all over the UWF, but Charlotte Flair made the mistake of pissing her off and disrespecting her .... Let’s be honest, none of these bitches here can fucking touch her, Charlotte Flair included .... She will sign with Progress for less money than she could make somewhere else, but it will still be more than Charlotte makes .... so she will be getting paid more money than the Queen just to be able to punch her in the face!  She instructs William Regal to be here next week with her contract ....

Charlottes music hits!!!!  The fans pop out of their minds as Charlotte comes out on the stage and she’s pissed!  She heads to the ring, but as she does she is jumped by Shayna Baszler!  Baszler locks on the Kirafuda Clutch and chokes Charlotte out on the stage!   Baszler backs away smiling, and the camera focuses on Rousey looking very unhappy in the ring ....

Progress #356 - ‘Bow to the Queen (of Spades)’ Rondarousey
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