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 mlW & APW present: SHINE #3

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Wes-ticular Fortitude
Wes-ticular Fortitude

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Join date : 2018-09-28
Age : 48

mlW & APW present: SHINE #3 Empty
PostSubject: mlW & APW present: SHINE #3   mlW & APW present: SHINE #3 EmptySat May 11, 2024 3:01 pm

mlW & APW present: SHINE #3 Shinelogo-e1428095721123-645x355LOCATION: Atlantic City, New Jersey

ARENA: Hard Rock Hotel & Casino - Etess Arena

BROADCAST TEAM: Lauren Brooke & Pat McAfee
INTERVIEWS: Charly Caruso
RING ANNOUNCER:Samantha Irvine
mlW & APW present: SHINE #3 Dupenew_renderings1_copy
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SHINE is back!  Charly Caruso is in the ring as the cameras come up to the small, intimate setting of the venue at the Hard Rock Hotel &amp; Casino in New Jersey chanting ‘SHINE!  SHINE!  SHINE!’  The audience is right up close to the ring, creating the vibe of an old ECW show ….

mlW & APW present: SHINE #3 NINTCHDBPICT000642632081mlW & APW present: SHINE #3 Sonya_deville_wwe_render_png_by_ambrose2k_df2yvbs-350t.png?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7ImhlaWdodCI6Ijw9NzA3IiwicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvZjkzMjQyNjEtZDZmZS00OGY1LTgzN2QtYjczM2Q1MDZjODY2XC9kZjJ5dmJzLWQ3YzhhYWNlLTQ2YWUtNGMyYi1hMWNjLWY3NGIzNzllMjc0NS5wbmciLCJ3aWR0aCI6Ijw9MTAwMCJ9XV0sImF1ZCI6WyJ1cm46c2VydmljZTppbWFnZS5vcGVyYXRpb25zIl19

Charly welcomes everyone to the show but Shine General Manager SONYA DEVILLE takes the mic out of her hand before she can finish, which gets boos …. Deville welcomes everyone to Shine 3 and hypes the main event ….

*** Pre-taped Segment ***

We start with a segment conducted earlier wirh AJ Lee where QUINN MCKAY asks about her win at Shine #2 against Mandy Rose …. AJ says she has trained in multiple disciplines like Muay Thai Kick boxing, Brazilian jujitsu, and she has trained with some of the most disciplined wrestlers in the world . . . AJ says she’s not some Instagram model looking for clicks so she can promote her Onlyfans account …. She thrives on competing and she is here to wrestle!  

We hear clapping from off screen and in walks Deonna Purazzo and SoCal Val to interrupt …. Deonna says she couldn’t agree more …. Purazzo is the greatest technical female alive today and she can’t stand these fake Barbie dolls trying to get into ‘their’ sport just to use it to chase clout …. She says her and AJ are a lot alike, which makes AJ laugh ….

Deonna gets a look on her face like she just realized something, and she says surely AJ isn’t thinking about being Britt Bakers partner tonight because that  would be a mistake …. AJ condescendingly says Deonna has given her a lot to think about …. Deonna says she knew AJ would see things her way and she offers a handshake, but AJ just smirks and walks away, leaving Deonna standing there …. Deonna is pissed ….

Match 1: Roxanne Perez def. Tay Melo with Pop Rox (code red) ….

This is a result of the attack on Perez and Toni Storm at Shine 2 …. Perez scores a HUGE upset …. Anna Jay hits the ring to attack Perez but she escapes into the crowd ….

*  *  *  *  *

Match 2: The Bloodline (Naomi &amp; Tamina) def. The Bella Brand (Nikki &amp; Brie) ….

The Bella’s attempt twin magic, but it backfires leading to Naomi trapping Brie in the Starmaker submission for the tap out when Nikki was actually the legal woman …. The Bloodline recapture some momentum as the Bella’s complain to the ref to no avail ….

*  *  *  *  *

Mandy Rose comes out and complains about how she was embarrassed by that grunge freak AJ Lee on Shine 2 …. Then Toxic Attraction didn’t walk out as tag champions …. Raquel Gonzalez comes out and puts a stop to all this and Rose decides to leave the ring, but it’s a distraction as Gigi Dolin &amp; Jacy Jayne attack her from behind …. Dakota Kai runs out to make the save for Raquel!  Dakota takes a mic and says since tag team matches are the theme tonight apparently, how about they have one right now!  

Match 3: Raquel Gonzalez &amp; Dakota Kai def. Toxic Attraction (Gigi Dolin &amp; Jacy Jayne) by DQ ….

Gonzalez and Kai look good in their first match as a team, but just as it looks like they might be ready to put Dolin away, Mandy Rose attacks Gonzalez with a bicycle knee leading to the DQ  ….

Post match 3 on 2 beat down by Toxic Attraction on Dakota Kai ….

*  *  *  *  *

*** Locker Room Segment ***

Cameras in the back go inside the locker room where there is a huge pull-apart already in progress …. On one side is Britt Baker and on the other is the entire (VAL)Kyrie faction …. Purazzo says they took out anyone that might want to be her partner, and no one else on this roster would want to team with her …. Looks like she’s all alone ….

Baker says that she doesn’t need a partner, but if Sonya Deville says she has to have one in order to get this match, then she will take the next person that walks through the door to be her partner …. In walks AJ Lee!!!!  AJ looks surprised at first, but then laughs sarcastically because she knew what she was doing the whole time …. She looks at Baker and says ‘Howdy . . . partner,’  

Deonna is FUMING …. So apparently AJ Lee, who made a huge impact at Shine #2 is stepping up to the plate to be Britt Bakers partner tonight?

*  *  *  *  *

Match 4: Sasha Banks &amp; Bayley def. Charlette &amp; Robyn Renegade to retain the Shine tag team titles ….

Competitive match …. Banks eventually traps Robyn in the Banks Statement and Bayley takes Charlette out with a Bayley-to-belly as she tries to make the save …. Robyn taps out ….

POST MATCH: Sasha Banks &amp; Bayley promo …. Here come The Bloodline (Naomi &amp; Tamina) who want a shot at the tag titles …. Banks &amp; Bayley accept the challenge, which will take place on the next episode of MLW and Sasha says it will be their last shot so let’s make it count ….

*  *  *  *  *

Match 5: Willow Nightengale def. Tenille Dashwood ….

Dashwood has been complaining online that Willow stole her win in the Fatal 4 way at Shine 2 …. This led to Deville booking this match …. Tenille attacks the leg of Willow to try to negate her power, allowing her to control part of the match …. Willow fires up and scores with the Pounce, then is able to power Dashwood up in the Dr Bomb for the 3 count despite the damage done to the leg ….

*  *  *  *  *

It is announced that UWF World Champion RHEA RIPLEY will be at Shine #4 ….

Main Event: (VAL)Kyrie (Deonna Purazzo &amp; Serena Deeb) w/ SoCal Val vs. (MLW Womens Champion) Britt Baker &amp; AJ Lee ….

Its clear AJ &amp; Baker aren’t friends, but they have a common enemy and are here to take care of business …. AJ wants Deonna in the ring and outwrestles her, frustrating the Virtuosa …. Deonna tags out to Deeb …. Deeb &amp; Purazzo end up getting the heat on Baker, with AJ appearing frustrated on the apron because every time Baker tries to make a tag she gets stopped …. AJ drops off the apron and walks up the aisle, teasing that she is going to walk out …. She gets halfway up the ramp and decides to go back to the ring, which gets a big pop …. AJ gets the hot tag and runs wild!  She teases the GTS several times on Purazzo, only to have it broken up by Deeb …. Deeb ends up eating the GTS from Lee, but Purazzo grabs her and pulls her to the floor allowing Baker to hit the curb stomp on Deeb to score the win …. Deonna tries to get back in the ring but AJ grabs her leg and prevents her from making the save ….

As soon as the bell rings, AJ turns and walks out to the back, leaving Baker all alone in the ring …. Baker gets beat up 2 on 1 by (VAL)Kyrie until Toni Storm runs out with a chair to make the save for Baker ….

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