Ok we have a ton to get to . First Thanksgiving Throwdown is in the books . We have five number one contenders and will remain so until after Wrestle Kingdom . Those 5 are ….
Heavyweight Sting
Tag Teams Sheephereders
X Division Jungle Jack Perry
Women : Alexa Bliss
Television The Rock . So please when it comes to rankings list them as number one.
This is the month we do our top 12 . So please when you do the rankings send Chair your top ten votes from now on instead of 7 .
Also we have to build our nominees , so send Chair your top 3 in every division you compete in from your territory.
There will be no title voting until Wrestle Kingdom . However if you’re involved in any of the title matches , please get with whoever the champion is and start doing some build up .
Now , my last item for this week . All our feds miraculously ended up in the title hunts for Wrestle Kingdom. So if you have a title match , your territory is represented . You don’t have to write a territorial match unless you choose to do so . However if one of your territories is not involved , you will need to write a match . As I can tell by looking , it looks like AEW and USWA are not involved . You guys could work together to do something , like a cross over or you can just write up a straight territory match . Your decision.
That’s all I have for this week . The floor is now yours .