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 WCW Monday Nitro #1

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WCW Monday Nitro #1 Empty
PostSubject: WCW Monday Nitro #1   WCW Monday Nitro #1 EmptyTue Mar 09, 2021 9:07 pm


WCW Monday Nitro #1 NN678yE

Location: Enterprise Center, St. Louis, Mo.

WCW Monday Nitro #1 Cv4EEal

Jim Ross: "Hello wrestling fans and welcome to one of the biggest hotbed cities for professional wrestling..... St. Louis, Missouri! I'm your host Jim Ross and this is the debut edition of WCW Nitro! We are excited to become part of the IWA and we plan on bringing you the very best action possible. Quite like our opening contest of the night."

Match One: The Lucha Brothers (Pentagon Jr. & Fenix) vs The Chosen Bros. (Matt Riddle & Jeff Cobb)

WCW Monday Nitro #1 UvpXEJA

Riddle and Pentagon meet at mid ring. Riddle smiles at Penta and holds his arms out suggesting a hug as he says "BROOOO!" Penta looks out into the crowd then walks up to Riddle and puts his hand in Riddles face..... "ZERO MIEDO!"

WCW Monday Nitro #1 V7d3JXQ

Everyone starts trading strikes and all four men are down. Cobb military presses Fenix and throws him across the ring.  He follows with a standing moonsault.  Penta catches Cobb with a backcracker out of the corner.  Riddle hits rolling gutwrench suplexes on Penta. The Lucha Bros start double teaming Riddle. Cobb intervenes with a german suplex on Penta. Fenix launches Penta into both Chosen Bros in the corner. Penta and Fenix apply a double surfboard on Cobb and then trap Riddle in a gory special.  Riddle and Cobb respond with stereo german suplexes.  Everyone battles up top. Cobb and Riddle get knocked to the floor as Penta catapults Fenix onto them. In the ring, Riddle hits a fisherman buster on Penta.  Fenix connects with a flying double stomp to Riddle and takes out Cobb with a dive. The Lucha Brothers hit a package piledriver-double stomp combination on Riddle for a nearfall. Cobb reenters the ring with a double back suplex.  The Chosen Bros hit a doomsday knee strike on Fenix, 1....2..... but Penta breaks up the pin attempt.  Riddle slams Penta onto the apron with a death valley driver. Cobb launches Fenix into the Bro 2 Sleep and The Chosen Bros pick up the victory.

WCW Monday Nitro #1 FyJRfQv

WCW Monday Nitro #1 H9DI2jD

Gene Okerlund: "OHHHH MYYYY.... if that tag team match is anything like what we can expect in the future of WCW, it's going to be one Hell of a ride indeed. Alright wrestling fans, help me welcome my guests at this time..... The Horsemen! Ric Flair, Arn Anderson, and Tully Blanchard! But Gentlemen, I would be doing the fans an injustice if I didnt mention that there are only three of you out here. We all know that that fourth person must be somewhere nearby Ric Flair?"

WCW Monday Nitro #1 RAo1Qdw

Ric Flair: "Mean.... bygawd Gene!! The Horsemen heard there was a party going on here in St. Louis! And as I look around this arena, I see a lot of full sweaters and all you wanna do is talk shop?"

Gene Okerlund: "Well frankly, it is why they pay me!"

Ric Flair: "Fair enough my man. But let's make one thing perfectly clear..... it's no secret that The Horsemen are looking for that final piece of the puzzle to complete the 4 Horsemen. But that being said, it takes a special kind of breed to fill that bill. And when we see that person..... Haha..... the entire wrestling World will know it! WOOOOOO!"


Jim Ross: "Welcome back fans! At this time we want to tell you about the huge tournament coming up in just 2 weeks to crown a WCW TV Champion. I mean Hell "Mean Gene" if we are gonna be on TV, it only makes sense to have a TV champion dont you think?"

Gene Okerlund: "It certainly makes sense to me! But as we all know there are only eight spots in a tournament. So it will be very exciting to see which individuals get into that very prestigious tournament."

Jim Ross: "It certainly has all the ingredients to be one Hell of a Slobberknocker. And one guy I know has his desire to be involved is heading to the ring right now."

Match Two: "Iceman" King Parsons vs "Hotstuff" Eddie Gilbert

"Iceman" manhandles Gilbert and sends him absolutely FLYING out of the ring off a shoulderblock. Gilbert tries to stick-and-move, getting a sunset flip and then darting away when it doesn’t get the pin. Parsons body slams Gilbert to the outside where Gilbert argues with the fans. Back inside, Parsons controls with an armbar then Gilbert fights back and applies a sleeper. Parsons powers up and slams Gilbert into the turnbuckle. Gilbert goes up but, he gets caught. Parsons slams him off the top and starts giving him shoulder tackles. Gilbert tries a flying crossbody and puts his feet on the ropes for leverage to get the victory. As the replay is being shown, "Hotstuff" grabs the housemic......

WCW Monday Nitro #1 V9LYw94

Eddie Gilbert: "I couldnt help but overhearing Jim Ross and Gene Okerlund talking about the TV title tournament coming up in two weeks. Now everybody knows that I'm the "King of Wrestling" so it's only fitting that a man of my credentials be in that tournament. So I am officially throwing my name in! It's time for Hotstuff International to take its rightful place on top of the wrestling World and what better way to start than me becoming the TV champion?"


Match Three: Mickie James vs Lacey Evans

Mickie quickly knocks Lacey Evans out of the ring, but Evans clotheslines her as soon as she leaves the ring. Evans attacks Mickie in the corner and stomps away at her. Evans hits a snap bronco buster for a two count. Evans drops an elbow for a two count. Evans then applies a chin lock. Mickie fights up and pulls her off. Evans quickly knees her and hits a neckbreaker. Evans rolls over and covers her for a two count. Evans climbs the ropes, but Mickie pulls her down. Mickie punches away at her and rolls Evans up for a near fall. Mickie hits a discus clothesline before spiking her on her tailbone. As Lacey rises to her feet, James hits her with the "Mick-Kick!" 1......2......3!! Mickie rolls out of the ring and celebrates her victory with the fans.

WCW Monday Nitro #1 42DuWgo


Match Four: Jerry "The King" Lawler vs Jack Victory w/John Tatum & Missy Hyatt

Lawler does his best to put Victory away, but Tatum and Missy are there to repeatedly distract Lawler, giving Victory the advantage. After several minutes of this, the tempo of the match gets a little faster and Victory tries a crossbody but Lawler ducks and Victory takes out the ref! This gives Tatum his opening. Tatum hops on the apron, holding Lawlers arms and Victory charges in with a knee but Lawler fights out of Tatums grasp and Victory nails Tatum, knocking him off the apron and to the floor. Lawler kicks Victory in the midsection then nails him with the piledriver as the ref comes to and counts 3!!!

  Gene Okerlund: "WE HAVE PANDEMONIUM HERE! Jerry Lawler if you will Sir! Despite a very angry Missy Hyatt right now, the antics of Tatum and Victory backfire on them, giving you the victory, no pun intended!"      

WCW Monday Nitro #1 Bt24Vpx

 Jerry Lawler: "As far as Missy Hyatt is concerned,  she can take that silver spoon and...... well you know the rest! Mean Gene, I would like to take the momentum of that win and throw my name into that TV title tournament. I heard Eddie Gilbert out here earlier running his mouth about being King. Well we all know who the real King of Wrestling is, and your looking at him! And if given the chance......"        

This brings out "Hotstuff" Eddie Gilbert!

Eddie Gilbert: "Ya know gotta big mouth! And if your not careful I may just have to shut it for you!"        

Jerry Lawler: "Is that a fact?"

Eddie Gilbert: "You damned right it is!"

Lawler looks out into the audience then turns and punches Gilbert right in the mouth, knocking him to the floor! Lawler looks down at Gilbert, then takes his leave. Gilbert stumbles up to his feet and grabs Okerlunds microphone.....

Eddie Gilbert: "Jerry Lawler..... you just made a huge mistake. You are a dead man walking!"


Main Event: Sting vs "Ravishing" Rick Rude w/Bobby Heenan

As The Stinger makes his way to a huge ovation, Rude met him on the floor, but took a gorilla press slam against the hardwood instead of blindsiding the popular Stinger. Sting was on fire as the action entered the ring. Back body drops.... knife-edge chops..... and simple right hands were most of Sting’s offensive moveset until a big clothesline sent Rude scurrying to the floor. Sting went to follow, only for Rude to trip and slam Sting’s leg against the steel ring post. Sting, barely able to stand, was easily knocked down. Rude pounds on Sting before throwing him back inside the ring.

WCW Monday Nitro #1 YrZtRSo

Rude swivels his hips and goes for The Rude Awakening...... Sting stopped the Rude Awakening. Right hand after right hand peppered Rude’s head and Rude collapsed, causing the ref to check and see if Rude could continue. Sting whips Rude into the turnbuckles.......then flies in with a STINGER SPLASH!! Sting pounds on his chest and lets out a howl....... then the lights go off in the arena!!!

After a few brief seconds they come back on, and we see........

WCW Monday Nitro #1 Is6F8CJ


Sabu is standing in midring with a steel chair. Sabu throws the chair at Sting, who catches it, then Sabu hits a spinning heel kick knocking the chair into Stings face! Sabu rolls out of the ring and looks under the ring...... and pulls out a table! Sabu slides the table in the ring and sets it up. Sabu pounds on Sting then puts him ontop of the table. Sabu climbs the turnbuckles and moonsault ontop of Sting, crashing through the table! Sabu stands up pointing to the heavens when out comes.......

WCW Monday Nitro #1 YunRfWu


Luger storms the ring and Sabu takes his leave with the damage being down as Luger checks on Sting.



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WCW Monday Nitro #1 Empty
PostSubject: Re: WCW Monday Nitro #1   WCW Monday Nitro #1 EmptyThu Mar 11, 2021 3:36 pm

very good debut show....

Gilbert is my fav to win the TV Title Tourney.

Gilbert/Lawler will be a great feud,if you decided to go that way....

Sabu is here.Always been a fav of mine even though i never really cared about ECW.

loved that you included the HOT STUFF Theme in the show.That fits Gilbert great and always has.

Sting/Rude in the Main Event..... Cool Cool Cool

Jim Ross/MGO are a great announce team.....

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Johnny Rose

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WCW Monday Nitro #1 Empty
PostSubject: Re: WCW Monday Nitro #1   WCW Monday Nitro #1 EmptySat Mar 13, 2021 6:46 am

Whoa didn’t expect the Chosen Bros in the upset

Got me curious as to who will be the 4th member of the Horsemen

A Gilbert vs Lawler showdown is brewing !!!

Craziness at the end .

Love it !!

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Wes-ticular Fortitude
Wes-ticular Fortitude

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WCW Monday Nitro #1 Empty
PostSubject: Re: WCW Monday Nitro #1   WCW Monday Nitro #1 EmptyTue Mar 16, 2021 2:45 pm

Im looking forward to the Chosen Bros push here ....

I thought the addition of Orton was perfect for the Horsemen .... I was pretty disappointed that you gave that up

Gilbert vs Lawler is a feud that transcends time and various promotions in the E fed .... I am waiting for someone to flip the script and actually put them on the same side lol

I can tell Rude is going to get a big push

Sabu was about to fuck Sting up .... that will be an interesting feud but are Rude and Sabu on the same page or is he just after Sting? Very intriguing ....

good show

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WCW Monday Nitro #1 Empty
PostSubject: Re: WCW Monday Nitro #1   WCW Monday Nitro #1 EmptyThu Mar 18, 2021 5:41 pm

Huge win for Chosen Bros in the opener

Would LOVE to see a Hot Stuff push

I'm still in love with Mickie. I love you WCW Monday Nitro #1 1f60d

Will we see a Hyatt/Hot Stuff International here in WCW?

Interesting stuff at the end.

Great return

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WCW Monday Nitro #1 Empty
PostSubject: Re: WCW Monday Nitro #1   WCW Monday Nitro #1 EmptyMon Mar 29, 2021 4:28 pm

Opening tag was pretty kick ass! helluva start to the show!

Perfect FLAIR promo!!

I love EDDIE GILBERT ! That TV TITLE is as good as his!!

LAWLER overcomes the numbers game to get the win !


I loved the ending of the main event! FUKIN SABU!! FUKIN LUGER!!


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