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 Glory Reload 01

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Join date : 2018-09-11
Age : 56

Glory Reload 01 Empty
PostSubject: Glory Reload 01   Glory Reload 01 EmptyWed Jul 29, 2020 6:15 pm

Glory Reload 01 Glory_10

With your hosts Josh Matthews & Lacey Von Erich.

Glory Reload 01 JoshMathewsGlory Reload 01 Lacey_von_erich-23

Matthews: Welcome everyone to Glory Reloaded. The new show from the hottest rising Wrestling Promotion in the fledging IWA Governing body. I'm Josh Matthews as we come to you from our studios in Terminal 5 in New York, NY. Let me introduce to you now my broadcast partner Lacey Von Erich.

LVE: That's me! Josh I am so giddy to be here tonight. This is going to be great!

Matthews: I tend to agree as we begin our Tournament to crown a Womens Champion. 4 big matches here tonight. Plus we will here from Rhea Ripley who did not come away with the gold at the Parade of Champions Show. But enough talking. Lets get this thing going.

MATCH ONE: Women's Tournament 1st Rd

Glory Reload 01 Alexa-bliss-at-wwe-raw-in-brooklyn-04-08-2019-13ALEXA BLISS

Columbus, OH

Twisted Bliss (Rounding Moonsault)
Rainbow DDT

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Glory Reload 01 Mia-yim-facts_4323_45_sexy-titsMIA YIM

Fontana, California

Seoul Food
Protect Ya Neck (Inverted Overdrive)

(Alexa doesn't look to eager to fight here as she does a lot of stalling and jumping out of the ring. Yim gets frustrated and throws her in the ring giving her a bit a butt kicking early but her aggression causes her to get sloppy and she gets caught with a Chokehold STO. Bliss hits the Blissful Curb Stomps before going up and nailing Twisted Bliss for the win.)

Winner: Alexa Bliss

MATCH TWO: Women's Tournament 1st Rd

Glory Reload 01 Wwe-mandy-rose-s-instagram-pictures_1-696x696MANDY ROSE

Yorktown Heights, New York

Bed of Roses (Double Underhook Sitout Facebuster)

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Glory Reload 01 007_Bianca2__01302019ca_098--f773606394cd456154f7fade870a3820BIANCA BELAIR

Knoxville, Tennessee

K.O.D. (Facebuster)

(Mandy comes out full of swagger. Strutting to the ring like a Super Model. Then out comes Bianca. Twirling her hair and popping her gum. Mandy tries to attack Bianca early. She is able to nail a Neckbreaker Slam for a near fall. Mandy goes up top and looks to dive onto Belair but she catches her and hits a Fall-Away Slam. Spinning Roundhouse Kick from Bianca. She covers for two. They continue to fight with Rose latching on the Crown of Thorns. But Bianca powers out and nails a Spear. She gets her up... KOD! 1.. 2.. 3!)

Winner: Bianca Belair

Matthews: Bianca Belair moves on!

LVE: Wow she is quite an athlete. Surprised Mandy lost, she is so pretty.

Matthews: You know it takes more than looks to make it in this business.

LVE: Are you kidding me? You know who I am don't you.

Matthews: Well I guess there are always exceptions to the rule, Lacey. More wrestling action still to come.

Ripley: At Parade of Champions, I had the Womens World title within my grasp and I let it slip through my fingers. My fault and I will shoulder that blame. Asuka you showed a lot of heart getting that win but know this, you have not seen the end of Rhea Ripley. We will meet again and when we do.... You will feel my Brutality....Glory Reload 01 The-ultra-aggressive-rhea-ripley-202001-1578303309

MATCH THREE: Women's Tournament 1st Rd

Glory Reload 01 40334420058d2a1a125e1159b0a83015NATALIA MARKOVA

Moscow, Russia

The Red Eye (Stunner to a kneeling opponent)

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Glory Reload 01 Giulia-enters-the-ring-during-the-womens-prowrestling-stardom-at-on-picture-id1204796284?s=612x612GIULIA

London, England

Stealth Viper (Modified Inverted Muta Lock)
Glorious Driver (Hammerlock back suplex into a Tombstone Piledriver)

(This is all Markova as she is beating up the rookie throughout. Markova nails a Bulldog for a two count. Natalia continues to abuse Giulia. she goes for a Whirlwind Kick in the corner but Giulia catches her... Facebuster! She goes right into the Stealth Viper. Markova can't get out of it. She's flailing away.... She taps!)

Winner: Giulia

Matthews: Giulia pulls off a Major upset!

LVE: What was that move? She twisted her like a pretzel!

Matthews: The Stealth Viper is a dangerous hold if she locks it on you, Lacey.

LVE: Not on me! I don't wanna be a pretzel. They have too many carbs...

Matthews: Great... analysis there, Lacey. Fans Still to come our Main Event. Kamille faces Brooke Tessmacher.

We got to the back where we see Reload correspondent, Ana Cheri.

Glory Reload 01 1080full_ana_cheri_garcia_(1)123-gthumb-gwdata1200-ghdata1200-gfitdatamax

Ana: Glory fans I am here with Rush & his brother Dragon Lee. Gentlemen you two will make your television Glory debut next episode of Reload against the team of of Marty Scurll & Mark Haskins, representing, The United Kindom.

Rush: No me importa! It doesn't matter, comprende? You think the United Kingdom means anything to us. We are Los Ingobernables, Ungovernable. That means we make our own rules and adhere to no one else's ideals but our own.

Lee: And that is to win at all costs.

Rush: Exactly, Hermano. You think we haven't noticed how Dana White has kept us off TV? But we will fix that. After next show we will be what everyone is talking about and what everyone wants to see. Remember the name....

Lee: Los... In...gober....Nables...

MAIN EVENT: Women's Tournament 1st Rd

Glory Reload 01 Rl9k00_largeBrooke Tessmacher

Houston, TX

Tess-Shocker (Belly to back Facebuster)
Glory Reload 01 <font size=

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Glory Reload 01 980735-250KAMILLE

Durham, NC

Glory Reload 01 <font size=

(The fans love them some Brooke. Especially her ring entrance. Kamille is popular for her ferocity in the ring. And she starts off that way. Using her power to toss Brooke around the ring. Big hanging suplex from Kamille. Kamille goes for the Spear but Brooke sidesteps and Kamille hits the post. Tessmacher School Girls her. 1.. 2.. NO!

Brooke hits Ass-Tastic then sets up for Tess-Shocker but Kamille breaks her grip and delivers a DRagon Suplex. Brooke is dazed as Kamille hits the ropes.... SPEAR! 1.. 2.. 3! )  

Winner: Kamille

Glory Reload 01 Tenor

Matthews: I thought Brooke had it there but Kamille just too much woman for her to handle tonight.

LVE: Is that it? Is it over?

Matthews: Yes Lacey our Hour is up. But there are two more 1st Round Matchups that will be aired on our brand new Youtube Channel tomorrow. Just go to GloryWrestling on Youtube. On their you will see Hana Kimura taking on Aliyah and Zoe Lucas against Beth Phoenix.

LVE: Oh goodie I like Youtube!

Matthews: I'm sure you do... That is our show. Thanks for watching. For Lacey Von Erich & I'm Josh Matthews, see you next time.
" />

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Posts : 1624
Join date : 2020-06-11

Glory Reload 01 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Glory Reload 01   Glory Reload 01 EmptyWed Jul 29, 2020 10:27 pm

I wouldnt mind seeing Bliss win this tournament

Noooo... The Goddess goes down. My prediction to win is Belair

Good promo from Rhea..... she better not forget about Britt Baker

Not sure on Giulia in this now....she could be a sleeper

Good win for Kamille

I'm with Lacey....I wasnt ready for this to be over yet

Good stuff
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Johnny Rose

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Glory Reload 01 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Glory Reload 01   Glory Reload 01 EmptyThu Jul 30, 2020 7:59 am

You are killing me with LVE . LMAO !!!

Great tourney so far .

That promo by Ripley was fucking intense !!!!!

I like how you are presenting Rush and Dragon Lee as kind of our laws .

Can’t wait until the next round .
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Wes-ticular Fortitude
Wes-ticular Fortitude

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Age : 48

Glory Reload 01 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Glory Reload 01   Glory Reload 01 EmptyFri Jul 31, 2020 10:13 am

Digging the pics and stuff on this show

Focusing on the ladies ...

Thats a bad ass pic of Ripley. Im dying to try to trade for her, but on the other hand dont want to because I want to see what you do with her lol

Im looking forward to the Los Ingobernables stable

Good win for Kamille ... she's my pic to win this whole thing
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